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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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Having survived Mrs B's shopping trip with not one but TWO pairs of shoes, I'm now getting ready for a boot sale on Sunday. My workshop is groaning with - frankly - junk! It's time for a clearout. How much do you reckon I'll get for a barbed wire stretching tool? ;D

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got the broadband fixed of sorts, now up to 1 meg after a bit of tinkering, deff a outside line fault, exactly what i said when we reported it but that bt for you, now got to wait for the next guy to come, prob next week when i am back at work to >:( >:(  but its running now thats the main thing, little more on the lely to ,sorted the hinge out on the auger arm properly now, this in turn allows the side pannels to open up seeing as i can make them now

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got the broadband fixed of sorts, now up to 1 meg after a bit of tinkering,

Got the broadband accelerator and I have managed to get my speed up to 1 meg.......I can't imagine anything any faster... and I am with BT  :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\

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You have been missed, so what have you been up to?

Lots of problems at work as I am now not only a farm worker I am also my boss's main carer

He's had a rough time as of late and been in and out of hospital    Were getting there though

On the model side of things I am still aquiring the odd thing and having a tinker in the shed when possible

Have converted a 5610-4wd to a 7710-2wd    Which now suits my hedge cutter better

Have loads of plans made up for models  but just don't get motivated enough to start them

Still Mustn't Grumbble ;D 

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Got the broadband accelerator and I have managed to get my speed up to 1 meg.......I can't imagine anything any faster... and I am with BT  :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\

i'm usally arround 8 meg, with ease to, we deff have a fault just they wouldnt belive me, they heard broadband and hat was it >:( >:(>:( >:(

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i'm usally arround 8 meg, with ease to, we definitely have a fault just they wouldnt belive me, they heard broadband and hat was it >:( >:(>:( >:(

8 Meg......in my dreams.....apparently I am right at the end of the line, about 7.5kms from the exchange and I am lucky to get it at all. I don't know how the cable is routed but I can walk to the main Warrington exchange in 15 minutes and I don't walk that fast, it's no more than 3kms >:( >:(>:( >:(

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Cider  :-*:-*

Got up, gert big fry up of sausages, bacon, egg, frid potato, mushrooms, baked beans and toast - oh and cranberry and raspberry juice just to give it a hint of healthy-ness!!

Quick sort out of washing etc, bit of plastruct glueing and now off to get an old vacuum cleaner to clean up the attic and put new insulation down.  :)

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Blimey Trissy... that's 7 of your 5 a day... well done buddy  ;):D :D

Now for me... I've been messing about on Hattie as usual... mixing topsoil and my secret ingredient to make 'Marky's marvelous mulch mix' which is selling like hot cakes.. although the local rabbits keep trying to make their home in my bund  >:(

Not sure if I mentioned my recent building projects.. but I've now got 3 bunds at work... I fill one with topsoil, another with green waste compost (damn... bang goes my secret ingredient  >:(  ) ... and mix up in the centre one (ratio of 66/33 is a closely guarded secret..... damn it  >:(:-[  ).. anyway... once I've mixed it up it looks good enough to eat  ;D  .. all my gardening friends love it  :-*

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Had the morning off after a hectic week at work then went in to work to clear the last few spring barley bales off the field that we didn't need for the ammonia treated straw stack and then cultivate 20 acres of spring barley stubble with the 6910 and Terra-Disc. Off to the pub in a little while for well deserved drink ;D ;D

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