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At work with Martin (NH2)


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More great pictures Mart Thanks mate ;)  looks like the wind is going too keep you busy repairing the barn roofs. The combines a bit of vintage, does it run?

No problem James  ;)

The old 520 hasn't ran in a few years and has been robbed of a few bits for the 525 and 525 Super II which are both still runners and in another shed, they just need a wee bit TLC to get them back to commission  :)

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so your going to learn some roofing skills now to eh mart :D :D :D :D  as for that 520, what a shame to see her slowley go in bits and bobs like that, i guess not much comes off seing as the 2 x 525's dont really get used now, or is that plan you mentioned last year still possable and we will see the pair working again

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Surprised it has not befell the same fate most old combines suffer then, the cutting torch and a final resting place in the scrap yard :'(

She is in line to be sold at some point sooner than later - where she'll go I don't know though........ :-\

so your going to learn some roofing skills now to eh mart [img alt=:D]http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/Smileys/default/cheesy.gif [img alt=:D]http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/Smileys/default/cheesy.gif [img alt=:D]http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/Smileys/default/cheesy.gif [img alt=:D]http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/Smileys/default/cheesy.gif  as for that 520, what a shame to see her slowley go in bits and bobs like that, i guess not much comes off seing as the 2 x 525's dont really get used now, or is that plan you mentioned last year still possable and we will see the pair working again

The last plan we had was to cut back to just using the 525 Super II and sell the 525 and 520 Sean, how long it will take us to do I'm not sure but it's still on the cards........ :)

That is not good Mart but at least it still left the combine covered [img alt=;D]http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/Smileys/default/grin.gif 

Certainly wasn't what we were expecting in the morning Colm........

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Mr John Bull looks nice and relaxed in the fine weather Mart ;) ;)

is that what you call them bill ? i've always called them william  :)  no pun intended , i've always called bulls william as i've talked to them  :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

The last week or so has been mostly tractor work so just a few pics to keep the topic up to date........First off had to take the 3095 to one of the fields to remove some big stones which were ploughed up........


Then it was out with the grubber to tidy up the end rigs before the contractor came to sow the barley........


One of the fields to be sown had dried out after the ploughing and had became quite blocky so the whole fields required grubbing across the ploughing........


We then left the seed and Merlo with the contractor to get on


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Once it was sown it was on with the fertiliser........The Merlo ready to load up the spreader for the fields closer to home........


For the fields further away I took the fertiliser up on the trailer and loaded the spreader with the 3095........


The boss spreading 30 acres of Braemar barley........


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You're getting a bit more sun than us by the look of it. Land looks to be pretty good after the rolls. ;)

Most of last week was pretty decent John and fairly warm too, Sunday was really the only poor day........The fields have came up really pretty well, even the 20 acre that needed grubbed came up alright in the end........

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Lovely weather over some lovely landscape, Mart. Is this the side of the farm where you were picking up bales last year? I remember a photo looking down over quite a large field of black bales....

Mostly tractor work, eh? Nice after a winter to have some warm sunny days in the tractor mate isn't it?

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Lovely weather over some lovely landscape, Mart. Is this the side of the farm where you were picking up bales last year? I remember a photo looking down over quite a large field of black bales....

Mostly tractor work, eh? Nice after a winter to have some warm sunny days in the tractor mate isn't it? 

Indeed it is Tris, the fields where the 6480 and rollers are pictured are beside the grass field where that pic was taken last year........ :)

Aye makes a nice change to get back into the fields again mate and see some dry land as opposed to the snow covered/wet land we got used to over the winter........ :)

Nice bits of kit there.

Cheers mate

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Aaaah, I'm following your farming year quite well then and getting to know your farm at the same time!!  :) :)

Indeed Tris, pictures can say and show one heck of a lot eh  :)

Nice pictures and update Mart. I thought yo must have been busy since you have been quiet on here

Yep was fairly hectic Bill, I'm back up in Aberdeen just now but only on a three day week here now so gives me four on the farm  ;)

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