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The Tractor I Took My Test In...


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took my test in my CASEIH 1394 had the syncro gear box not the hydro shift

the hand break wasnt very good

and this is straight up

as he was asking questions about the highway code (after the road test) he was faceing away from the tractor I was faceing him and the tractor about 10 metres awaqy  in the disance and I could see it  gradualy rolling slowly  toward him as he was then congratulating me on passing my test as the tractor stopped rolling he turned around and said have a safe trip back to the yard good bye .....But his face was quite bemused to how the tractor had got closse to him but he never said anything  :D :D

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Oh shoot, mine was on a '63 dexta with no cab, indicators, brake lights (or brakes) - though I was in trouble when examiner found me chalking registration onto back axle.  ;D

Blimey John  :o

They had chalk in those days even  :D :D :D :D

Seriously though....

Am i missing something here  ??? - Why have you all taken tractor tests  ??? - I can understand SpuerMart and Phil taking their tests to get their bums in the seat quicker than waiting for a car licence... but why all your other fellas - Luke for instance.... I thought you had a full car licence  ??? ??? ???

Am I risking a numpty here  :-[???

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