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The Tractor I Took My Test In...


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Your country deserves a numpty Marky a "test" to drive a tractor???  Get a grip Lizzy what the hell is going on....Licenese to have a TV sh$t I have six TVs does that mean I have to have six licenses???  And what is with all the CCTV crap.  Next thing they will want a cctv on fanny, and that may not be a bad idea.......but hells teeth.....I wish you guys could come a live in america for six months and see the real america..what u get on tv and read is BS...come west and I will show you some awesome people and opportunities where even deaf guys like me can have a good standard of living....

Guess it could be worse, living in Leeds where your neighbor name is Mohammend Kaboom!

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Blimey John  :o

They had chalk in those days even  :D :D :D :D

Seriously though....

Am i missing something here  ??? - Why have you all taken tractor tests  ??? - I can understand SpuerMart and Phil taking their tests to get their bums in the seat quicker than waiting for a car licence... but why all your other fellas - Luke for instance.... I thought you had a full car licence  ??? ??? ???

Am I risking a numpty here  :-[???

Those with full car licences were once Phils and SuperMarts Marky!!! I did mine at 16 like these two.

Tsh, some people ::)

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Oh I see... thanks Tris...

Now.... when I were a lad... (make yourself comfortable)

I drove tractors on the road at 14... health and safety was non-existent really... I remember HAMMERING over Westwick railway crossing (dis-used at the time thankfully)... with a 525 combine header "pearched" on a trailer... AT THE TENDER AGE OF 15 IN THE SCHOOL HOLIDAYS... and wham... bam... caboom... off it came and lodged sideways arcroos the road... took a couple of hours to get it back on as well....  :-[

Ummm... good reason to take my test really I guess  :D :D :D


You lot are sooooooo bloody impatient... why not just wait a year to pass your car tests  ::)

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why did you have to chalk it on didnt it have a plate then  ???

It did when it was new but the attrition rate for attachments to tractors seemed to be higher in those days.  ;D

You're already comfortable from Marky's story.....

When I was a kid we used to dash up and down the main road leading off a combine etc. as there was so little traffic then but sitting the test was an excuse to take a tractor to school and park it in the car park  ;D 

You lot are sooooooo bloody impatient... why not just wait a year to pass your car tests  ::)

A year!!! I did my tractor test and bike test on consecutive days.  ;D

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It did when it was new but the attrition rate for attachments to tractors seemed to be higher in those days.  ;D

You're already comfortable from Marky's story.....

When I was a kid we used to dash up and down the main road leading off a combine etc. as there was so little traffic then but sitting the test was an excuse to take a tractor to school and park it in the car park  ;D 

A year!!! I did my tractor test and bike test on consecutive days.  ;D

You Brits are odd nutters...A bike Test?? Nothing of the sorts in America or even a tractor test. I drove loader tractors on the main road at the age of 14 and nobody seemed to be bothered at all with it. It's Suprising all of the regulations in the UK opposed to the US, I would have thought there wouldn't be any concern for people driving tractors under 17 over there aswell?  ???

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We've got 55million people in an area the size of the average US state, 10million cars, +trucks etc etc....so conditions here are a lot more demanding than over there ! Despite testing etc it's still a bit of a free-for-all.

At least it gives some of the young nutters (especially on Bikes) chance to learn some skills before they go out to do themselves in !

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In Ireland you get a 'provisional' tractor licence at 16, and you can keep renewing it. You can do a tractor test, but most people wait to pass their car test, when you automatically get a full tractor licence. I first drove on the road when I was twelve, but I certainly wouldn't want to see a system where that sort of thing was normal or acceptable, it's just too dangerous on the roads these days and machines are so much bigger and faster.

A friend of mine took his Roadless 115 to school one day (it was fairly new) and parked up for an  O level exam- shame I didn't go in that day!

I always wanted to do that, but sadly never did :(. I suppose I was half afraid lads would nick bits off the tractor >:(

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2 reasons for wanting to take the tractor test:-

1) Take it to school when I get my newer one...... :D;D;)

2) More useful to the boss if I can drive on the road...... :) :) ;)

3) impress the girls when you cruise around town ;) ;) ::)

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