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At work with Gav


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Looks very interesting mate and rather complicated but should make your life easier! But discovered were getting demo's this summer from most brands so have to compare notes little bit higher in hp stakes but notes be along same lines :)

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I presume the Boston bit went ok as Chandlers dragged it to Kings Lynn for us and we picked it up from there.

Yeah everything is hydraulically driven by the pumps on the machine, only the cart elevator is powered by the tractor hydraulics. Side view isn't too bad even with that lot their, don't really look out of that side window at the back too much anyway

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We should be having a demo during the Autumn mate, got no work for it until then.

We had a sad event at work yesterday in my absense, it appears that our remaining Limousin bull slipped whilst mounting a cow over the weekend and paralysed his whole backend so ended up being shot yesterday :(  my boss straight away had a ring around to find another one and ended up going to pick him up straight away as our cows are bulling like mad at present so we can't afford to be a bull down. This is the fella he came back with, a 14 month old stabiliser bull from York direction, we now have 3 stabiliser bulls as that seems to be the way the meat market is heading, Morrissons having signed a contract to take meat from them


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he looks full of attitude gav , never heard of a stabiliser bull gav what is one of them ,see quite a bit of british beef in morrisons in other supermarkets can be a job to find any british well round here anyway

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Not home reared Tris, we only breed cross-breed cattle, not pedigree.

The new boy is too full of attitude.......charged the crush and bust the gates open this afternoon when the vet came to test him ::)  he was supposed to be segregated from our cattle for a week until we had the test results but he's now in with 30 or so doing what we bought him for  ;D ;D

This is the website for the Stabiliser Cattle Company who bred the bulls, explains all on there :)


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  • 1 month later...

Our neighbour started cutting his barley yesterday so I've been baling it up when the baler's been behaving. I've got a few pictures of baling today taken by my passenger this afternoon, our very own Alex (goon) who's on holiday nearby, I believe he may post some up on his return as well :)







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so gav your passanger for the afternoon was alex eh, he looks a lot like buster to me ;D ;D ;D ;D

Ah but Buster couldn't take the pictures ;D

Hows the deere doing now Gav?

Still a pile of sssssssssugar?  ::)

Yup, they were out to it again this morning for fuel problems, replaced the same part as last time as well >:(

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nice pice Gav eeeeerr Alex!!. Good to see you working Hard! ;) ;) ;)

maybe that way on sunday Gav?, weather permitting with Harry, taking him to Wells. How far were you again? :-\ :-\ :-\

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'Ol Goonerboy is actually quite a decent chap isn't he?  :laugh:

Nice photos the pair of you, none of buster racing around the field chasing seagull feathers then?  :laugh:

Gav was it fit to bale or was it a case of, it'll be worse for the rain? A lot of baling down this way has been purely to get it in before the showers but truth be known it needs a day or two of hot sun on it really.

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He is indeed, made a change to have some company to talk to during the day

It was perfect to bale Tris on the field in the pictures, the variety there was Otter for malting, the other two fields of Otter were also perfect however the fields of Flaggon barley were an absolute nightmare to bale, the straw was so dry and brittle that it actually smashed to pieces as soon as it hit the pick up and once i did manage to get it into the baler it kept falling out again then going back in in a big lump jamming the baler solid.....suffice to say I gave up in the end after numerous collapsed bales, 2 broken chains, one knackered bearing and a terribly bad mood and high blood pressure. One of our other neighbours has now baled that up with a Claas Rollant, it went a bit bbetter but he was struggling as well at times and said they had the same problem with their own Flaggon when he baled it. Not quite sure of how many acres I've baled but would guess that its between 60 and 70 and have done 452 5' diameter bales so roughly 6-8 bales to the acre which I don't think is too bad, will find out for definate off our neighbour tomorrow what the area was

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Not sure of the variety but the chaps I work for, one of them was round baling behind a TX62 at a local farm and he said much the same thing. No mechanical trouble but he said getting a good bale was not worth busting your gut to get. If it came out round and had net on, it was good enough!! Very dry. Since then we have had late afternoon showers most days though.

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Well I have to worry about the bale shape as they are for a large well known turkey producer to use in their sheds, poor bales would mean we would lose the job of doing them again so better to let someone else do a half decent job of it in mine and the farmers opinion.

On the rain front we've only had 10 - 12 mm in the past 4-5 weeks so its pretty dry about here, if they talked of any we were going to let the Flaggon get wet then bale it when it had just about dried out, clutching at straws as my poor balers slip clutch was reaching meltdown......don't they stink when they get smokingly hot too ;D ;D

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