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At work with Gav


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awww gav yer making me feel homesick  :(  love to be back with the busyness of it all the banter & the kit working like it should , but looking at your destoner troubles , i don't miss the agrivation  :) .

re;markys stone removal

should never remove the stones mate , sometimes its them that makes the ground workable , once been on a farm that removed stones from 30 or so acres , totally ruined the land & is now pretty much unworkable, rock hard in the sun, complete bog when it rains , no traction when it's damp.

horrible, horible ,horible stuff, nowadays it's just linseed that gets broadcast on & dragged over

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We do leave a 3m track around the field on at least 3 sides for both spraying and irrigation reasons, they never used to but it was one of the things I pused for the first year I took the job on as there's so much waste when you plant right up to the field work on headlands by the time you've jammed about with spraying and irrigating all season, I harvested more clods than spuds from that bed the first year I was there and boss agreed it was damaging kit as well

Very true indeed. Luckily most farmers over here now do the same. Still some old boys around that have to plant every inch! We now leave field corners so the harvester can turn on them but back in the 'good old days' they were planted right up to the hedge as well and later lifted by hand! This would usually be a different variety even to be sold off the farm.

Having your land in a 2 mile radius is prety good. Not much waste carting on the road and close enough for irrigating. Dreaded subject, people must have started irrigating already in your area?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Send it to Iceland and drop it in the volcano  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

There's an idea ;D

Well at least you wont see it again and think "I wish I still had that tractor" ;);D  have you got the tyres dirty on the Case yet.

Nope, not left the shed yet.......it will tomorrow as I have to go to the JD dealers with it to pick up some irrigation pipes, should be fun ;D ;D 

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Oooo..... new kit... shiny shiny shiny.. my shiny paint syndrome as come back again  :-[:P :P  .. I can't wait to hear how she performs Gavalar... looks like the bridge on the starship enterprise to me with all those buttons and things  :of :of :of

Does it have that 'new smell' in the cab  :P

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This is the first brand new tractor that I've ever had, nice to get that new smell for once and not the ex demo smell in it ;D

I'm looking forward to seeing how it performs as well :P

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It arrived at lunchtime but I've been sorting out irrigators this afternnon so its been a 6810 job. They can arrive early if they want but I have the only key for it ;D

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What a disgrace!! Look at the state of that, Gav. Get and wash it for goodness sake  >:( >:(>:(

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Did you sit in there and give it a little rev Gav? Did you, I bet you did didn't you. ...  didn't you Gav. . . I bet you gave it a note or two mate. . ... just a quick 'vroooom!' to hear that engine purr. . ..

Did you then?  8):) :)

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6920 has never had fuel injector problems Chris, had a few fuel pump and rail issues but thats it in that area :-\

The Puma was clean when it arrived, the joys of strong winds and dusty yards. Only took it out of the shed to haul an artic out that got stuck in the yard earlier but he managed to get traction in the end and got himself out. The stones were like ball bearings under his wheels

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what an upright pillar of the community you are Alex... straight and too the point... which must have been hard  :D :D :D

we didn't have to winkle it out of you either  :D :D :D

Now now Mark, what will Tris read into that after that picture ::)

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