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At work with Gav


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We know there have been inaccuracies in the past with drilling, we had some serious overlaps last year due to an inexperienced operator and this year due to the way the boss had some of the fields drilled. Getting the joins right on the sugar beet is another area that the gps could help with as at least then we could be sure that there will be no issues with the hoe or sprayer due to narrow joins. The potato beds are fairly accurate when I pull them up but every once in a while I manage to pull a narrow or wide one which is where the problems start, its not easy keeping the beds consistant by centre marking either especially in some of our heavier ground where the marker doesn't mark very well or on a few of the more variable fields about here where the soil pulls the tractor about, all things that auto steer could help with

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Is that fourth trailer behind the 7930 especially for the forage harvester Gav, or will you be using that yourself?

The 6930 must have quickly been dragged from another job or something, being on row crop wheels. The nice wide trailer wheels aren't up to much good with that in front.

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all the years i have spent that way gav, and i have still to see a forager at work , all i ever see is beet, wheat, rape spuds, and thats about it, there was one dairy farm near to my nans, but that was zero graze ,other than that never seen another dairy set up, must be more a north norfolk thing??

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all the years i have spent that way gav, and i have still to see a forager at work , all i ever see is beet, wheat, rape spuds, and thats about it, there was one dairy farm near to my nans, but that was zero graze ,other than that never seen another dairy set up, must be more a north norfolk thing??

There are a few dairy farms in this area, we do have one as a neighbour but we ourselves run a suckler herd a does our another neighbour. You've not been coming at the right times if you've never seen one working up here ;D

Is that fourth trailer behind the 7930 especially for the forage harvester Gav, or will you be using that yourself?

The 6930 must have quickly been dragged from another job or something, being on row crop wheels. The nice wide trailer wheels aren't up to much good with that in front.

I would imagine its for customers to use should they need an extra trailer, they should manage with just three on our crop as its only a stones throw from the clamp. 6930 has been on maize for a while, tyres aren't as narrow as they look surprisingly, we thought they were narrow too until we looked at the sizes.

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Nice kit , looks like a fair setup they are running ,do like the Deere on the richard western trailer  8) , thanks for the pics  :)  . Seen a few harvested fields off maize round by me, but am yet to see any working this year. Hopefully when i do ill be able to get some pics  :D

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I suppose the GPS will only improve on cost saving if in the past you have been losing money that way?

Its had to tell I know, but you Gav could be as accurate as What GPS could provide, or on the other you could be miles overlapping? In which case then It would be a good investment.. Hard to say really i suppose  :-\

Well said a voice of sense, the only benefit we found was to have a figure for the field size, farmers never argued with the GPS figure?? we found we were accurate as can be but some farmers couldnt or wouldnt believe it, but would put total faith in GPS.

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We've started potato harvesting this week in some wet to very wet conditions that are giving me headaches with the harvester due to the amount of soil hanging in the machine and trailer drivers struggling with the ground conditions. I've taken a few pictures so far on my phone and also a few videos, not posting them individually but they are all on this youtube video, no sound with it on my phone so you'll have to make due with a rather fitting song ;D ;D

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nice set up and song. looks to be a pretty good crop too ? what variety is it your lifting at the minute?

the harvester where im working is also struggling, kept making mud rolls/sausages in the webs so had to fit bars inside them, and struggle to get the soil up the share, just wants to push it along  :-\ all part of the fun i suppose  :D

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Its probably a 15-18 ton an acre crop which is about average for that variety, tubers are bigger than I've seen for the last two years though so swings and roundabouts really. Variety is Saturna at the minute on contract to Walkers crisps, next up after them is Crisps 4 All (yes thats the varieties spelling, not text talk :P ) and finally Pentland Dell for McCains. My harvester has powered diablo rollers on the front of it which help to pull the soil up onto the web, I can notice the difference between this one and its predecessor in ability thats for certain. Would be lost without the wheel drive at present thats for certain.

What is it you're lifting at the moment?

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all sounds good, i noticed you had the driven diablo's i mentioned them to the man on the harvester  ;) the t6080 couldnt manage without the ground drive on the harvester thats for sure. we keep shifting between a couple of varieties, ambo is one of them, cant remember the other 2 and have finished all the harmony. there sold for export in big ton bags or in smaller bags for shops and asda. theres another company local who grow earlier potatoes for McCains, they were very small and had trouble selling them  :-\

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What a difference a few days can make, its now dried up nicely so we can actually get along at a sensible speed potato harvesting, the amount of bindweed is still causing a problem in one of the fields but we are getting somewhere now. After hitting them hards since Thursday we've managed to clear up most of the Saturna with only 3 trailer loads left to lift now before we do the Crisps 4 All.

Here are a few pictures from yesterday, 6810 looks a lot better now it has new tyres on it, it certainly handles better for them. Today has been the first day I've been loading the trailers right up though as the ground is still a bit damp in places ::)







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That alarm sound is actually the hydaulic noise from the tractor as the auto depth operates on the harvester  as the entire discharge and digger web lift is powered by the tractor on a load sensing circuit, my camera seems to have really picked it up, I don't notice it now myself in the cab though. Tractor does seem noisey though now after demo'ing others

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Cheers John, I was doing about 3.5-4kph when I made the video, much better than the 1.6kph I was travelling at 7 days ago. Hopefully if it keeps dry I hould be able to go quicker still, don't somehow think I'll get up to the 6-7kph I was travelling at in last years dusty conditions though ;D

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