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Britains farming German style

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Oh my sweet baby Jesus the man second to God himself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sascha, these lates pics are truelly excellent. The models themselves of course will attract the most praise as they are wonderful, especially the Deere set (King Thomas of 1/32 Land) but the way you have got the backgrounds lined up and just a shade out of focus leaves the machinery perfectly clear to see while still keeping as much reality in the photo as possible. Had to look twice at the first pic, I thought you had been for another one of ytour drives around the country side!!

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From Kindergarten over primary school, college, university and proeffessional life this is the most outstanding compliment I ever received.

Thank you very much indeed!

However, it is just thanks to this great ERTL modell, Thomas' scratch-built addition, a good camera and last-but not least a very patience wife allowing for misusing or bedroom for the modells and finally the natural environment outside the window, which made these picture by pure chance really become outstanding, I mus admit ...

I am now beginning building a scratch-built modell on my own - hope the feedback will still be positive when showing the surprise in a month or so ...

Oh my sweet baby Jesus the man second to God himself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sascha, these lates pics are truelly excellent. The models themselves of course will attract the most praise as they are wonderful, especially the Deere set (King Thomas of 1/32 Land) but the way you have got the backgrounds lined up and just a shade out of focus leaves the machinery perfectly clear to see while still keeping as much reality in the photo as possible. Had to look twice at the first pic, I thought you had been for another one of ytour drives around the country side!!

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