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Royal Highland Show........The Massey's........

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This F Registered Massey 3080 was the highlight of the stand for me being a 3095 driver......It was here to advertise the Massey 10+ Parts scheme and as such one side was untouched and in its working clothes with the other being fully restored......A really cracking "split-down-the-middle" job......

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Brilliant Mart... you have made an old man very happy... many thanks for posting.... Loooooook at all them reds  :-*:-* :-*

Loving that combine mate... I hope to see a working machine this year (if my mate is true to his promise)...

Nice to see another 410 as well mate... Juts shows I am not the only mug in the UK.... second thoughts... that one has not been sold yet I guess  :D :D :-[

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Nice pictures - Not as good as the green & yellow ones obviously!

Do they have to let their front weights down regualarly because they are incapable of carrying them for long? Or is it just broken? :D

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nice pics Mart.....wondered where Marky was earlier :D :D

Cheers Ben........

greta pic mart, what was the conbine like then?? looks a fair size, and a big header to, compaired to the curretn stuff

Cheers Sean........Can't say I was a big fan of the combine, perhaps it's just a bit too American looking for my liking........Was really a fair size though........Preferred the BETA they had last year........

I realy like the 10+parts stint

that massey is a real before/after in one

they look quire nice done up dont they :)

That was the highlight for me too mate........They certainly look very nice when in pristine condition........

Brilliant Mart... you have made an old man very happy... many thanks for posting.... Loooooook at all them reds  :-*:-* :-*

Loving that combine mate... I hope to see a working machine this year (if my mate is true to his promise)...

Nice to see another 410 as well mate... Juts shows I am not the only mug in the UK.... second thoughts... that one has not been sold yet I guess  :D :D :-[

Thought you would like those Marky........I was very impressed with the Massey stand and even got myself a free hat and pens........

Nice pictures - Not as good as the green & yellow ones obviously!

Do they have to let their front weights down regualarly because they are incapable of carrying them for long? Or is it just broken? :D

Cheers Kev........Even the Fendt weight blocks were lowered........Perhaps a Health and Safety thing........

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This F Registered Massey 3080 was the highlight of the stand for me being a 3095 driver......It was here to advertise the Massey 10+ Parts scheme and as such one side was untouched and in its working clothes with the other being fully restored......A really cracking "split-down-the-middle" job......

must say mart, i dont think thats an origonal idea, sure i saw a bit about a  case?? that had been done like this a while back,ct mag maybe, really cant remember, but i do like the idea ,shame the exhausts bent on it though

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there was a 390 on the massey stand there last year  :)

I remember that one mate........Not quite as effective for me as a 3000 Series model though........

must say mart, i dont think thats an origonal idea, sure i saw a bit about a  case?? that had been done like this a while back,ct mag maybe, really cant remember, but i do like the idea ,shame the exhausts bent on it though

Will have to have a look mate as it doesn't ring any bells........I think the exhaust was on the side that wasn't being restored hence it was left bent........

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regarding the international matter there was a tractor on the case stand at the cereals event just over a week ago. it was spilt down the middle simalar to the fergy. it looked very impressive. av forgotten what the model number is but can tell you it was foreign so it could be the one from the sima article as it had foreign plates.

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there was a case 855? half restored, half abused, just like the mf 10+ 300 series

regarding the international matter there was a tractor on the case stand at the cereals event just over a week ago. it was spilt down the middle simalar to the fergy. it looked very impressive. av forgotten what the model number is but can tell you it was foreign so it could be the one from the sima article as it had foreign plates.

Cheers for the information folks........It must have past me by........If it was half as good as the Massey it would have been well worth a look though........

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