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Graham's Work


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been putting some pipework for pumping dirty water into a 80ft concrete panel tank just down the road from unclefurgus



the water was cold today let me tell you

me on the merlo


just not enough just had to push the pipe in with the ladder


me wrapped up indoors


nearly there


that was today

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hate it when people do that  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:  think they have given a chance of snow tommorrow for us to? either way its far from plesent. is this another job you move about on then? as and when others get bits ready for you ,or is it a long term site your on

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was long term but have been away from there for a few months back for this and putting a floating roof on top of that tank ,got a straights shed to do there but i may not be there all depends ,got a 50 point rotary parlour starting soon groundwork just going to start on top of dover cliffs be nice and blowing up there for winter ;)

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yes mike that building is next to the parlour the end you can see in the pic is loose housing for dry cows,

we are busy farmer milking no parlours frozen yet that i have heard over here in our area

glad you enjoy having a read through john

some of todays work







been installing a slurry seperator it squezzes the liquid from the solids the liquid goes into the big tank and is irigated on to the feids the solids go in to another pit which can be spread on the land when conditions allow ,it is up high as there is a lagoon for the slurry a little way away and it flows back to this unit pumped in and flows out to the tank ,looks like something out of war of the worlds  ::)

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Some great photos graham. Looking at your work pictures are quite fascinatiing. That slurry separation system looks good, we hope to put one in round at work. also have you ever installed any augers for moving slurry in channels?

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Many farms around this way with large, productive dairy herds have separaters nowadays. Makes the storage and handling far easier and also the guy doing the injecting gets an easier deal, as does the machinery. Modern technology in farming is beyond what I get involved in but it never ceases to impress me how it all evolves. Good time to be in the industry, eh Graham :)

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the seperators work well patrick ,i have never put any augers in for slurry ,i know of farms that use chain and flight type elevators to move slurry ,if we do channels we put them in level and put weirs in them to move it any distance ,

like you say tris most large herds that we deal with have the seperators,every one struggles with the sand that the farms use know ,when mixed with slurry it turns like grinding paste and wears the pumps out and all the kit but they say good for the cows ,been doing this work on and of for the last seventeen years tris but you only as good as your last job news travels fast in farming but i enjoy the work and glad you enjoy having a look at what we get up to ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

took some pics of finished unit today been using these buildings about 6 months we just done some slurry equipment there today

fist pic is a straight s store where lorrys tip straight up electric doors there are 4 bays there is a small one round corner


four buildings with cubicles for 85 in each building and on the far end dry cow yard


two grass areas like this between the cubicle building feed wagon goes round them to feed





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it is bill few pics  back in topic of this lot under construction ,before the cow housing was all wooden kennels so took a big jump forward with these buildings my pics does not do the place justice just gives people an idea what we get up to bill

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like you say tris most large herds that we deal with have the seperators,every one struggles with the sand that the farms use know ,when mixed with slurry it turns like grinding paste and wears the pumps out and all the kit but they say good for the cows ,been doing this work on and of for the last seventeen years tris but you only as good as your last job news travels fast in farming but i enjoy the work and glad you enjoy having a look at what we get up to ;)

Do you mean sand in the cubicles that the animals to stand on Graham? Or can sand or grit get in from another source (say eroded material from certain older types of slurry store)?

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the cows lay in the sand chris in the cubicles dont use straw on this farm they say it keeps the risk of disease down in the herd , it wears everything out quick i must say like pumps ,stirrers and irrigators ,

it is nice round there now tris they keep it tidy to another bit to put up yet on the building on the end in the pic with the loader in only half a span as you can see another to put on in  year ,they might have robot milkers in there they not sure yet so more pics as an when  ;) , been some work there ,

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some and some sean all the old cow housing was knocked down here  .the buildings with the straw in will stay but there is a building at the side that will get built over then knocked down i think that is the plan any way , but plans ghange as you know,but most have a mixture of old and new .

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with you mate, theres been several smaller farms this way put all new buildings up over the last few years, but all have sold the older buildings for development where possable, i guess being old stone buildings they lend well to houses, and the bigger open barns ect just get knocked down and turned into the gardens for them 

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