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McCormick Tractors - What are your views on the real thing

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Well as part of my real job I get to do all the electrical design work on agricultural vehicles...... Please throw no stones in this direction ta  :D :D We then sell all the electronic connectors and bits to the trade  ;)

So on Wednesday I was busy undercover with some of the McCormick gods and I have to say how impressed I was with the way they spoke and their plans etc

Also played with a ZTX that has been adapted into a future tractor and I have to say how impressive it was (from someone who knows very little about modern farming)

What do you guys who use them day in day out think about their performance, I will be feeding it back to them  ;)


they must be half decent barry, seeing mor eand more of them round this way latley, mostly contractors, with a few own farm ones to, infact i recon i have seen more new mccormrick arround this year than jds


they must be half decent barry, seeing mor eand more of them round this way latley, mostly contractors, with a few own farm ones to, infact i recon i have seen more new mccormrick arround this year than jds

Only because there half the price my contractor mates dad got loads and they keep having to strip then because they keep getting fillings in the back end's of them had loads of trouble with them and non wit there mx's  :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\

weird that both basicly the same tractors aint they??? near as,

like i say jd was the main contractors choice down this way, but mc are taking over allong with valtra t's to


My mate has a 135 and he says it is lacking power compared to equally HP`d tractors. Also they must sort out the maintenance problems it has. Likes to break down a lot.


talking to a contractor that has a mc 115 the other day, POS, its done 1200hrs and is on a new engine and its getting a new back end, broke some castings, it only runs a 3m mower ::) it was burning oil like nothing , had shaged rings and liners


not to good feedback on some there :-[ theres a few near me. one cx 100 that the owner uses for planting potatoes and drawing them in must have round 4-5000 hours now and has yet to miss a beat


I have an MC135 on spud carting and it is completely gutless under load, another person has an MTX140 carting and that is worse still, we both have identical trailers, the tractors just won't pull. The powershift on the MTX is abysmal with a delay between changes which means the harvester has to stop when he does change gear. The MTX where I used to work had the gearbox go bang at two years old. McCormick took what was a basic but good tractor and cheapened it. The dealer here, well one of them took on McCormick when they loct Case and pushed them hard, they are cheap and are worth very little a few years down the line. Build quality leaves a lot to be desired, the paint is already coming off parts of our MC at 1 year old :-\


I have an MC135 on spud carting and it is completely gutless under load, another person has an MTX140 carting and that is worse still, we both have identical trailers, the tractors just won't pull. The powershift on the MTX is abysmal with a delay between changes which means the harvester has to stop when he does change gear. The MTX where I used to work had the gearbox go bang at two years old. McCormick took what was a basic but good tractor and cheapened it. The dealer here, well one of them took on McCormick when they loct Case and pushed them hard, they are cheap and are worth very little a few years down the line. Build quality leaves a lot to be desired, the paint is already coming off parts of our MC at 1 year old :-\

Funny you say that gav, ive been talking to ol and he was telling me the paint on his JD6820 was falling of allreay with around 1000hrs on the clock, My father inlaws Mxu 110 is in the shop having a repaint and its a 05 model  ??? ??? ???


My pal in Idaho stopped handling them for a couple reasons.  First and formost parts were near impossible to get and second the small 95 etc kept snapping the rear axle on the diary farms.........So they swiched back to the CaseIH JX but price is alot more......


we traded 2 masseys a 6150  :( and a 6170  :( against are to mccormicks, mc115  ;D and mc135  ;D and we wouldn,t even compare them the mccormicks are top by far + we havent had to lay a spanner on either of them were as the masseys were never out of the workshop  :);) 


like any other tractor ive expierieced jds case mf  nh

you get good tractors and bad friday night tractors

we had a jd 3050  bloody marvelous tractor never missed a beat

traded it for a 3350 with the same expectations  2 wks l8ter it

was having the back end stripped down something to do

with the pto linkage to the cab  :'(

had a new lad who took it on the road and had to emergency break

to avoid a accident  ::) day after back in to the dealers as the beak lineing was cointaminating the hydrolic pump/steering etc

so the MCc's will have the same feedback


There becoming increasingly popular around here also, they have a fleet of around 5+ CX105's on irrigation units and salad packing trailers, all which seem to be doing a very good job.

Also used a ZTX on a 7 furrow GB plough which sailed through the task in hand  :-\


about 2 years ago 3 contractors bought 5 bran new ones, all mtx's two years on and they are all gone, all of them gave trouble with the back ends. its fairly rear i see them any where around here now, one farmer got one this year alright shes fairly small not sure what model exactly but his son was telling me she seems to be doing ok so far but the finishings are poor  ??? thats all i know about them


We have a xtx200 and xtx185 both have had back end probs but we have had replacments both times.and silly hyd probs with leeks and spool probs .They both are very noisy basic tractors the 185 will outpull the 200 but they both do there jobs well fuel concumption are both very very good but will they last time will tell  ::)


Quite a few near me but can';t say much about reliability etc as wouldn't know the lads that well but a friend's cousin has 2 - a MTX 200 with over 6,000hrs - a few probelms with her but once he got her sorted she was fine - been traded for an XTX 215 at the moment. Thye also have a CX 95 which they like and has give no trouble despite pulling 17t loads :o

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