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What really PLEASED you?

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indeed makes a change after the week i have had, nans blood is now thinned out, they just want to keep her in for a few dyas to make sure it stays that way, living 40 odd miles from the hospital makes that a need, she can drive still even at 78, but they wont let her do that twice a day

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nice one mate, all healthy i asume, great for you mate

Yes mother and daughter are doing well no stitches or anything and they are talking of letting them home tonight, I'm due in work at 10 but I might have to have some time off ;) ;) ;) ;)

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Graham giving me and tris his tables at toy trac. we would of not had enough room otherwise.

Graham (guvnor) thanks mate.

Also nice to see all the FTF team again and met Adam ( marshman ) to add to the list  now.

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What a fab FTF weekend at Toytrac. I love you guys more than ever (esp Lord F and his tattoo is not nearly as scary as I expected... funny place to put though, I thought  ;)) and it was great to catch up with old friends (cannot believe how Mini Kev has grown!) and meet some new faces (Adam I do forgive you for that numpty ::)). And of course, delightful to meet Chewbacca in person ;D

Great to see Mr and Mrs MDFord... Mark that convo is something else... even to a girlie like me, who only likes a tractor if it's 'pretty'  ::)

And I met Maisie... PDC's daughter... she's into horsies and has promised that Daddy will post up pics of her Equestrian layout on FTF (sorry Paul :-*)

Also, musn't forget young, Thomas Barrett... helping Dad on the FTF stand and conning me into asking Marcus into to buy him a forklift ::)

And young Henry... lovely young man he was too :)

As alway I am eternally grateful to the guys who helped me pack Holly Farm and leftover stock way... reckon I'd be there until midnight on my own  :-*:-* :-*

Anyway I just had the best time ever... so thanks to Steve, Karen and Sue and Warner for organising such a fab event and making us all so welcome :-*:-* :-*

Think I better stop now or this is gonna be like the Oscars ;)

Well... pleased doesn't even cover it really... pleased as the pleasest person in all Pleased Town, wearing a Pleased Hat on Pleaseday at Pleased O'clock does.... nearly :-*:-* :-*:-*

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Had a great weekend away and meeting a really good gang of people. Its good to know that there are still people around that will go out of their way to help others - Graham and Sharon deserve a big thanks from everyone for helping Adam get to ToyTrac!

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Had a great weekend away and meeting a really good gang of people. Its good to know that there are still people around that will go out of their way to help others - Graham and Sharon deserve a big thanks from everyone for helping Adam get to ToyTrac!

Sorry guys, didn't mention you!! Was a bit slap and dash but we'll catch up in April hopefully with a beer  :)

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Great to see Mrs and Mrs MDFord... Mark that convo is something else... even to a girlie like me, who only likes a tractor if it's 'pretty'  ::)

Now then Amanda, I'm not sure I'm that keen on what you're trying to imply here  ???::):D;)

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It's a funny thing to explain to 'normal' society.... you know, the ones who don't quite 'get' our interest..... what a lovely thing FTF is.

It's fantastic that we're all part of something which completely bucks society's trend for assuming everyone guilty until proven innocent and has a deep mistrust and suspicion of friendships across generations. Graham and Sharon's help in getting Adam to TT is such a lovely and unusual thing in this day and age and it restores your faith in humankind.

It was lovely to be finally able to meet Adam and it was all because FTF'ers are such genuine and kind people.

I bet you don't get this sort of behaviour on the 'Computer games and fighting and guns forum'.... :D :D

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the really surprised look on peoples faces when they were talking to us at toytrac yesterday, and we were offerning them cakes ect, they couldnt belive how friendly we were

It is normal for people to wonder why they are being offered something free

(Mind you some of us had to ASK!)


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