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new homehub today after issues with my old one dropping out ,and its working fine , and seems faster to

Too bad it can't spell correct or even provide you with an open mind and a love for yanks :of :of phhhhhhhhhwwwwwwwwttt :P:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:  "open to the fact you want to live in America" ;D

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to bad your internet aint broken, then i wouldnt have to put up with random posts would i rick ;):P :P :P :P :P :P :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Too bad it can't spell correct or even provide you with an open mind and a love for yanks :of :of phhhhhhhhhwwwwwwwwttt :P:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:  "open to the fact you want to live in America" ;D

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Up to Tricks...Tris 46

I'm meant it's

:laugh: :laugh:  I was sure you did, Bill  :)

Well today Traci and her mum blitzed the kitchen with every cleaning product known to woman. Sterilised the fridge/freezer we had given to us and cleaned the utility room. A mates' mate came round and relaid the carpets we'd pulled up to paint the skirting boards etc upstairs. I. ...  installed the woodburner with the help of Tracis Dad. Got it lit before we finished. Dead chuffed with it, bit fumey to start due to the fireproof cement going off with the heat and all the new paint. Can't wait to move in now  :) :) :) :) :)

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Moving in this week, should be there today but I have a very important load of logs to deliver and a very important meeting to attend  ;);D

As the house is not finished there won't be a set date for a paaartaaaaay but we warmly welcome any visiter so long as we are at work!  :laugh: :laugh:

No seriously, anyone passing or in the area just let me know and I'll throw a log in the stove and make a cuppa.  :)

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Well, i'm all of a childish giddy mess just at the moment not because of the amount of coffee and cake i've consumed this morning more because of the parcel i've just signed for. My Imber Fords have just arrived and I may now have to ring in sick for work this afternoon. I think my excuse will start something along the lines of:

"I'm very sorry Clare but I can't make it to work this afternoon as i've got the blues."

Thank you Steve and Karen they're absolutely brilliant, now it feels a bit more like Christmas. :) 

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Well done, David. A giddy mess is exactly what I was too but I'd never have come up with that excuse. Brilliant! :laugh:

Thanks Tris, just got the 4wd SLE version out of it's box and can't take my eyes off it. For the time being i've put the weight block onto it, but I reckon it would look equally smart with the front linkage fitted and some root crop equipment attached fore and aft a little bit like the implement Cerin is constructing at the moment.

As for the 2wd SL it will have to wait my attention until I return from work at half 10 tonight unless I decide to use the above excuse.  :)

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Two things

Marky's post


and an email from the travel agent with a draft itinerary for my USA trip.  Looking good although I do not want 3 nights in Washington nor 3 nights in Chicago as I am not fond of cities.  2 nights in Flagstaff (and a third night after Grand Canyon is fine.  Pity is they cannot get me to Monument Valley but perhaps another time.

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Two things

Marky's post


and an email from the travel agent with a draft itinerary for my USA trip.  Looking good although I do not want 3 nights in Washington nor 3 nights in Chicago as I am not fond of cities.  2 nights in Flagstaff (and a third night after Grand Canyon is fine.  Pity is they cannot get me to Monument Valley but perhaps another time.

Flagstaff ohhhhh 3 hours north of me...what month?

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dont scare sue rick she wants to enjoy the states not get turned to stone from some old redneck :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Hey watch it...Grand Canyon phewwey wonder why she wants to see that place just go look at this pic it gives a pretty good example of the Canyon. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:  (Im going to catch hell from the aunties for this)


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wtg Sue.. you certainly have chosen a strange trip with Washington and Chicago and grand canyon which is quite a bit off the way.. or are you ending in San Fransisco?

I am going to the states in the summer too.. but will go a bit north to south.. starting in Seattle and ending in Houston (with a few side trips to east of South Dakota and down south to New Orleans..)

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wtg Sue.. you certainly have chosen a strange trip with Washington and Chicago and grand canyon which is quite a bit off the way.. or are you ending in San Fransisco?

I am going to the states in the summer too.. but will go a bit north to south.. starting in Seattle and ending in Houston (with a few side trips to east of South Dakota and down south to New Orleans..)

so you fly in and what then, rent a car and drive around or what????

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