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After months I have finally found a solution to a Microsoft product that interferes with our programs by trying to take over the print function. Our tech bods have been unable to do anything about it but I managed it.

Feeling extremely chuffed with myself. smiley-flag013.gif

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After months I have finally found a solution to a Microsoft product that interferes with our programs by trying to take over the print function. Our tech bods have been unable to do anything about it but I managed it.

Feeling extremely chuffed with myself. smiley-flag013.gif

They'll be going to you for advice now Sue! ;)

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They'll be going to you for advice now Sue! ;)

My colleagues call me "The Ferret" as I find the most convoluted program bugs (it is my job) but I should not have to resolve bugs with unassociated Microsoft programs!

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My colleagues call me "The Ferret" as I find the most convoluted program bugs (it is my job) but I should not have to resolve bugs with unassociated Microsoft programs!

thats always been microsofts way, sell it and let others sort the bugs and problems , could be worse, you could still be using windows xp ,and office 2003 on a 14 year old laptop sue ,try bug finding in that,
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I have a windows XP machiine which is 10 years old and has Office 2002 on it. My current laptop is Win7 but has Office 2003 because I hate the newer versions which have more bugs and fewer facilities as MS decided to remove functions. The problem was an Office 2007/2010 program which I finally discovered how to disable. I had to do that job remotely and keep my fingers crossed that it worked on the customer's computer as I had no way of testing it personally.

I do find bugs in Microsoft products although I am not paid to do so! :-

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I have just had an email concluding the last elusive Border Fine Art tractor from my collection. New technology the Blue water washer should be with me in June. I got confirmation on Sunday a deal had been concluded for "The Fergie" and I should be able to collect it sometime later on this month.

That makes my collection complete apart from the special edition for 2000 the Threshing Mill. I'm not convinced I want this one since it is so big it would need a specially built cabiinet all to itself. They were £ 2,000 in 2000 but I heard some being sold for £ 500 so you never know ;D ;D

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starting at jaguar land rover on the 6th of june, found out today! yippeee!

Good luck in your new career Alex.. sounds just right up your street 8)

Edited by BC
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30,000 applicants for 1000 jobs. not too bad odds! thanks!

Not just a pretty face then Alex ;D ;D ,,but ...range rover evoque's :huh:

are they the ones that were designed after driving under a low bridge :huh:

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Nevermind Alex........... The Mini will have to wait......... unless a nice Rangey V8 falls off the loading bay one night, ahem!

In all seriousness mate, quality news to hear. Consider yourself well and truly patted on the back from me and handed a well earned glass of the finest Cyber Port! ;)

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And a cyber cigar from me too... well don't Alex... I KNEW you would do it mate... you'll be climbing the Career ladder with great speed and ease I'd imagine.. I'm with Sue... lovely to hear some good news in these times of doom and gloom.

Now.. anyone got a cyber light for Alex ?

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