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Seeing my two granddaughters yesterday. 

Millie is now three and proud of it and showed me all her birthday cards while Mia, now 6 months,  is becoming more and more like her grandfather. She has his smile (and his temperament I am told!) and is a real chip off the old block.  :-*:-*

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That sounds nice, Sue. :)

The plasterers are almost finished at Sparrick Lane. If they are both there all day today it will firstly be a miracle but secondly they should be finished!!

Wonderful.  When are you holding the house-warming?

Be careful who you invite, though, as there are some who find a blank, newly plastered wall irresistable.  ::);D  Ensure there are no pencils, pens, felt markers or cans of spray paint on their persons  :D

On the other hand you could hold a house-painting party and invite guests to paint murals of tractors... :-\

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Wonderful.  When are you holding the house-warming?

Be careful who you invite, though, as there are some who find a blank, newly plastered wall irresistable.  ::);D Ensure there are no pencils, pens, felt markers or cans of spray paint on their persons  :D

On the other hand you could hold a house-painting party and invite guests to paint murals of tractors... :-\

sue its tris, thats all he has for entertainment in the eves :D :D
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Getting my 84 year old coming on 85 year old uncle moved from Aberdeen to a sheltered cottage in Kintore which is only 4 miles form where his sister my mum stays and much handier from where I live and work. I hired a removal firm and they had a Luton van and 2 men and they left their start point at 8.30 am and completed the move by 10.30. We were highly delighted with the fast and efficient service two hours at £40 plus VAT for van and two men can't be bad this day and age ;D ;D

Oh and I paid them on the spot at 1030 before asking them in for their fly.... Thats a mroning cupp and an Aberdeen buttery with some cheddar cheese follewd by some rather nice currant loaf. All very fattening but well rather tasty and very filling :)

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be coming a proud owner of a mf 135 how ever it is in a bit of a sate but should be ready for the dromara vintage next year hopefully. As far as i know it has a front loader on it have not seen it but dad has by the sounds of it there is a bit of work a head for the both of us ;)

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