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Great news sue , amazing how many houses seem to sell quickly despite the harder economic times

I was amazed at the speed mine sold despite being told my garden was "too tiny" by one man.  Half an acre is hardly tiny!



congratulations Sue, that is something to look forward too!

Actually I am dreading the move but am looking forward to settling in my new home.  Keep wondering whether I am doing the right thing :- but I am pretty sure it is the best option!

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Put 50p on a "silly" bet.......

Accumulator on F.A cup games, Blackburn, MK Dons, Millwall and Luton all to win........£191.81 better off as they all came in, easy money!!!!!

oldham and leeds double at 77/1.  ;) had £20 on... don't tell Mrs AlexMF...

EDIT just had a call off vodafone, been upgraded to Vodafone VIP, with unlimited everything, for free! 

Edited by AlexMF
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My 8085zts is ready for collection, just a few bits and pieces for me to do, swap radio, fit cab guard rack, fit the quick hitch, get it loaded onto the low loader then get it home, very happy boy :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

What really pleased me today, that i got my course advice to finish my Bacherlor in science, majoring in plant science and minoring in both plant protection and soil science.


And in the first semester i will be taking these courses.


ECOL 308 Ecology III: Advanced Ecology (15 Credits)

We use a combination of field work, computer labs, reading, writing, and

presentation exercises to obtain an understanding of current issues in

theoretical ecology. You’ll gain skills in data collection and learn how

to apply theoretical and quantitative ecological methods to the analysis

and interpretation of plant and animal populations, communities and



PLSC 320 Crop Science (15 Credits)

This course covers major physiological processes involved in crop

productivity. You’ll learn how the main environmental factors such as

radiation, temperature and water influence crop growth and yield. We’ll

also discuss the influence of crop development and harvest index on yield

and you’ll be introduced to simulation modelling for crop production. As

part of the practical aspect of the paper, you’ll engage with, and write a

report about, one of our departmental research projects.


HORT 214 Horticulture Production Systems (15 Credits)

Horticulture is about managing plants for a purpose. We look at examples

of particular horticultural plants and what practical considerations are

taken into account when growing those plants for a purpose. We will

consider the production of healthy fruits and vegetables. We also note how

to propagate and grow environment-enhancing flowers, shrubs and trees.


HORT 330 Fruit and Vegetable Science and Technology (15 Credits)

Rational management of horticultural crops is based on the ever expanding

body of research information. You will examine selected topics in the

production of fruit and vegetable crops. These are chosen to reflect new

directions based on recently published information. Topics examined in

recent years include: light interception and canopy configurations; yield

component responses in selected crops; maturity assessment; and the

maintenance of fresh market products.


These are just my elective classes, as most my subjects that are needed for the degree are offered later in the year.

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I'll be throwing the biggest party ever when I finish, but my passing record hasn't been the best and I hate studying and definatly not A grade student but I just wanna finish it now even though I'll just end up a farmer I hope

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I'll be throwing the biggest party ever when I finish, but my passing record hasn't been the best and I hate studying and definatly not A grade student but I just wanna finish it now even though I'll just end up a farmer I hope

You need most of that stuff nowadays, just to be farmer! :of

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Good of you to ask thanks Tris,Got 14 combining days in a row that cleaned up 80% of the grass seed and all the seed rape seed.Yields so far have been realy good and very little needed drying so the boss is happy. Combine (Case IH 8120) is running well with it's upgraded softwere . One good thing about Case is you can upgrade an older combine to the latest spec just by bolting in newer components and softwere for not a lot more $, kinda like getting a new combine just in an older shell. Having been out of the arable loop for the last 3 years while in the north island on a dairy farm it's all coming back to me fast so that's handy. :)

(I'll post a few pictures after harvest for my uk peeps)

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Sounds pretty good, a fortnight in one go for the combine. A rarity up here in Blighty! All the seed on contract to seed merchants or does the OSR go for oils? Interesting being able to upgrade a combine. What year is it on then?

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