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Can You Reverse a Trailer

Lord Ferguson

Can you reverse a trailer??  

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  1. 1. Can you reverse a trailer??

    • Yes
    • No
    • Kind of
    • Yes with a Marky wobble!!

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Oh dear not a true tractor driver then eh Mark - no good at ploughing or trailer reversing :D :D

Maybe instead of Fanny you should have bought a MF 500 or 515 :D :D

Now I could drive one of those  ;D - I demonstrated an 865 to a farmer in 86... and I believe he bought one  ;)
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I find most trailers a doddle, but am absolutely hopeless with a turntable 4 wheeler. Interestingly a local haulier who regularly runs a large 4 wheel turntable trailer behind his lorry, and manages to reverse the outfit into virtually impossible locations with the utmost ease, admits he's hopeless when it comes to reversing his own car and caravan.

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no problem infact never really found it a prob from the start, could always back the trailer up to the grain blower just by looking through the gap once i had tipped the body a bit, never hit it or owt, as for the actuall steering never a prob, infact when i tow a trailer at work the number of times the cablers i work with ask if i am ok, and i do it just like that leaves them speachless, 

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Won a bet with a lecturer at college    years ago when he set up a course to reverse a trailer round

got through all but the last one and had to stop as the gap was 6 foot and the trailer was 7 foot

And i didnt touch the cones and won the bet

Guess how it was done    and i didnt move the cones :-\

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Won a bet with a lecturer at college    years ago when he set up a coBum to revers a trailer round

got through all but the last on and had to stop as the gap was 6 foot and the trailnr was 7 foot

And i didnt touch the cones and won the bet

Guess how it was done    and i didnt move the cones :-\

no idea Smurf..........go on do tell

I never did the young farmers reversing stuff, have never had a trailer etc  on a landrover, car, jeep etc, have tried dolly trailers and had mixed success. Our road end used to be tight and lorries bringing a trailer with straw hay or fertiliser would have to unhitch and the trailer was then tractor dragged in.Sometimes I did it first time , no bother other times if I`D been there all day I`d still not have got it .Brother was better than me  and if I can find it  I have a pic of him with 3 little  3/4 ton trailers on behind, hauling round bales , YES 3 !! just 5 bales  on each, our narrow roads and gates  mean we can`t use monster trailers like  most of you guys have. He could reverse  that lot a bit, commonly used two and seemed to get on ok. at those ......I was on the loader so never tried the 3.....I only ever occasionally tried the 2 .

You should see some of the guys who deliver in here ....some are fantastic others are pathetic !

We widened the roadend and now we can get an artic in, round the yard,over a bridge we have  into the bale stack/pit  area and right back out again............they used to HATE coming to us but that`s all changed ,they love us now! ;D

So back to the point, yes I can reverse but nothing complicated . I`m no expert. :(

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Yeah i can back them no worrys now, i use a silage wagon every day and thats tandom axle, i can back it choucka full with no mirrors, i had to learn to back a tri axle trailer( single turntable, tandom rear) they are the hardest by far, and a 4 ale trailer is the easyest by a long shot, i can back all our trailers tractor and truck ;)

My 1st boss had a saying, Cant drive it backwards you cant drive it forwards, i love by it

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blake did you do the under 16 tractor driving course in greenmount??? sounds like what they do.... what all is involved, when did you do it?

TWICE!!  ;D ;D ;D:D :D

I did one in Summer 05 and one in Summer 06  ;) ;)

You don't really learn that much, You learn what all the dash board symbols mean and how to do daily checks on a tractor and generally just how to Drive thing  :-\ :-\

If one think its a good laugh  :D :D :D

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how long is the course 1or 2days? so do you just get tought the stuff or is there a test at the end? what sort of tractors do they have, ive always wanted to do it but i dont think ive got enough experience, wouldnt want to look like a fool infront of the boys that can do it!!

The first one i did was 2 days and the second one was 4 days, There's a written test on the symbols on the dash board (what they mean) And then on the last day the instructor will take each person induviduly and will take you on like a driving test. He'll tell you to do certin things etc..

The first time i went i had practically no expierance, But you get spilt into groups with people with the same level of expierance as you.  ;) ;) ;)

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