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Get well soon Holly love... give her a kiss from Marky please Mandy...

And while you are at it.. may as well take one for yourself  ;D:-*:-*

We want to cure her not kill her Marky :o::):D :D :D;)

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I was sitting at the computor on here and looking out the window, this lad came walking down the lane witch i thought was odd as we only get ramblers and couple usaly walk down here, not many people my age as we are in the middle of nowhere

Anyway, this boy look unwell and he got to the brige and leaned over it obivously in pain.I watched for a min and he carryed on about 25yards and he colapsed on the road. I ran up to him and asked what was up (i thought he was going to be drunk or somthin)he said he had been betten up and had been chased by some other lads. My dad came out and phoned for police and amblace as he obiously wasnt putting it on because he had fallen to the ground hard. He was having trouble breathing so we had to call the ablance if you thought it was over the top

The police took 18 mins to get there took a statement etc

have a guess how long the abulance took to get there bearing in mind he was having breathing diffiucltys

my dad phoned his mum and she didnt seamed to bothed  ::) now obivously you dont no the true story but he said he had came via train from asford (about 15miles from us) to a verrrry small vilage with 1 old traditional shop called appledoore to see his girlfreind. When he got there she was crying with this other boy, so he asked if she was alright and who was this otherboy. The other lad turned and puched him and kicked him so he ran. The other lad and his mates chased him for a while and he couldnt run as he was in pain from the puch. He hid in field and then stagged about 2miles to where we are.

He seamed a nice lad and was very polite and obiously in pain and very frightned.

He is now at the hospital he will be ok but may have broken ribs

What is this world comming to, we live in the middle of nowhere and appledoore is only a small vilage not somthing that usally happens here  >:(::):( :( :(

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oh sorry to here that mandy, hope holly gets well soon.

do you no whats wrong or is it just old age :-\ :-*:-* :-*:-*

Think her tummy is packing up... so old age :'(

Awful about that poor lad - I heard about the cycle-way (think it's Bristol way?) where gangs jump out on cyclists and set about them with baseball bats. It's just unbelievable what people get out of inflicting pain on someone else.

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Think her tummy is packing up... so old age :'(

Awful about that poor lad - I heard about the cycle-way (think it's Bristol way?) where gangs jump out on cyclists and set about them with baseball bats. It's just unbelievable what people get out of inflicting pain on someone else.

sorry to here that mandy, but at least she has a had a good long life  ;)

yes it is unbilveably what people get up to now and lots of them are around my age ::) it gives all teenagers a bad name because quite a few are voilnt ::):)

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Had to have our 7 year old rottweiler put down last friday.

She just suddenly went off her legs.

It was such a shame as she had just got better after have an emergency speying.

The vet said that we had no choice and had done the right thing, still doesnt make you feel any better.

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sorry to here that rob, im thinking off you

what made me sad today, is that are cat is ill, cant wee so had to have an op, he got home yestaday and he was okay, today he cant go for a wee again, quite worried, so back down the vet in a min :'( :'( :'(

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