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Sorry to here of your losses Tris and tractorbob, deepest condolences to you both. Having been in both situations its not nice  :(

Last week marked a year since teh sad passing of my former boss in a farming related accident so the memories have been flooding back in the past week

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hearing about Nana Fry, my sincere condolences to you tris, i know how you feel, but there better off now ;)

and just think everything you do now she'll be looking down watching you  :)

also Tris i would like to say thank you for the comments and stuff when my uncle keith passed away :)

Hope you had a good day yesterday at the funeral ;)

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Thanks young man, what a nice post. The funeral was last week now but it doesn't alter what you said, I appreciate it a lot :)

Oh and that's what this place is all about after farm models, a real community of friends who offer an escape from the perils of life when it's needed and a bit of support with it. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

nah, he went to pull round a parked car, missus in the passenger seat, a car coming the other way, tried to stop, no ABS so locked his breaks and put the nearside corner into the parked volvo... they're both fine, the mini needs a front panel, wing, bumper, tie rod, headlamp...

it made me sad as i like that car! working on it and driving it...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well Mike sad as that it is for your mum and you but that dog has had a good life really...well they do say for ever one year of ours a dog is seven...so effectively 105 years ......gosh I wish I last as long as that so I can complete my to do list in life ;)

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That's really sad Mike... on a similar note... my dog (Alfrid the boxer) has been recently diagnosed with Lukemia and it's not looking good for him... they say he's got about 6 months.. but he's loosing weight like nothing on earth  :'(

He's 11... (was his birthday yesterday actually)... which is a fair old innings for a Boxer dog  :'( .. Mrs F is now spoiling him rotten though.. he's getting far more 'treats' than I get  >:( :'( :D :D

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That's really sad Mike... on a similar note... my dog (Alfrid the boxer) has been recently diagnosed with Lukemia and it's not looking good for him... they say he's got about 6 months.. but he's loosing weight like nothing on earth  :'(

He's 11... (was his birthday yesterday actually)... which is a fair old innings for a Boxer dog  :'( .. Mrs F is now spoiling him rotten though.. he's getting far more 'treats' than I get  >:( :'( :D :D

Sorry to hear that Marky, Mum & Dad just lost their Standard Poodle on Sunday morning. He wandered all the way down into the basement to die. Dad followed him down at 2am and was with him. He was 9 which I guess isn't bad for a dog his size. His mum had to be put down last week (my Aunt owned her) she was 13. It's been a bugger of a week animal wise :(

They still live on in spirit though as I have his son/her grandson.

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A man whom i worked every weekend for with the horses for 15 yrs went to America on holiday for 2 wks and got very bad stomach pains.He came back last Friday and went for tests.I am still very friendly with him and close to the family and his daughter rang an hr ago to say they were told this am that its cancer.not nice

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I have not been on here for a while because I feel sad too much of the time. I have depression . I need to rediscover how to enjoy life so I can be happier and make people around me happier, especially my family. Maybe if I go more on this forum it will help me.

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