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well it just got worse, she was taken for a ct scan this morn, and at lunchtime my 2 uncles up that way were called in from work, she has cancer of the lynph glands, which is causing her kidneys to fail, this in turn has caused the blood clot in her leg and those problems, they cant do her leg( deff foot amputation at the minumim) until the cancers under control, get the very disticnt feeling there might not be long left, as they are staying at the hospital tonight, as shes now in intensive care, just spent the last 2 hrs round my mums, whos in tears, she cant get there as her hubbys just had his troke, so trying to sort out a possible up sat morn, back sat eve trip at present, but not really sure if we have time

so i might not  be on much the next few days, just so you know

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That is terrible news Sean. I will be thinking of you and your family. It is a terrible place to be, was there a couple of years ago my Gran was in Tavistock hospital and we went down from Scotland for the weekend to spend some time with her because the end was near  and she died the following wednesday after we had been down.

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cheers lads, a little shocked at the mo to be honest, not really sure what i am thinking  :'( nowt new there i guess fro me eh :D got so much on, with old fella and now this, i cant fit it all in to be honest, never mind sure we will sort something, even if its a drop it all and go tommorrow if it gets worse, wrok can go and swivel to b honest

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thanks guys, she went for her biopsi this morn, which has confirmed it for sure, currently pretty much out of it with the morphein, as her legs giving her huge pain, hence the poss it might have to come off, ,also being pumped with steriods now which fights the lynph problems, uncles aint left the hossy in 36 hrs now, and wont either, bros hopefully taking my mum up firday if not earlier, and we are staying behind :'( :'( to look after the old fella

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One of my best friends has just been diagnosed with breast cancer. It's just so awful and a real shock - she's only 48 and outwardly fit and healthy. She's got 6 months of radiotherapy ahead and driving to Bristol every day for a month.

I am so sorry for what you're going through, Sean.

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One of my best friends has just been diagnosed with breast cancer. It's just so awful and a real shock - she's only 48 and outwardly fit and healthy. She's got 6 months of radiotherapy ahead and driving to Bristol every day for a month.

I am so sorry for what you're going through, Sean.

Every day Mandy?? That sounds like a serious dose....  :o

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Every day Mandy?? That sounds like a serious dose....  :o

I'm quoting what she told me yesterday and she was in such a state of shock (she's a stunning, tall, leggy blond and the last person you'd expect to become seriously ill). But, I'm taking her back to the consultant on Friday for a 'fact finding' appointment. The lump has grown another 2mm in just two weeks so I think they're are anxious to hit it hard and quickly so I understand.

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sorry to hear that mate my nan lost her fight with cancer 8 weeks ago its never easy at the end she was in hospital on morphine she was still with it just her body had enough it was hard to get our heads around the fact she was switched on but was going to die.

every time the phone rung made me jump!

now its awful coz its ww3 at the farm because of my money grabbing auntie who was just after the farmhouse and made my nans life hell and was just waiting for her to die shes pure evil my nanna would be turning in her grave!

thats what has made me sad for the last 8 weeks!

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Blimey this topic goes from bad to worse... Sean.. what a nightmare mate.... I hope they can sort Nan out and keep her out of pain buddy  :'(

Mandy.... Colm... Kazzi... sorry to hear about your sad news as well....

Bloody hell... I walked in to the office yesterday PM and Amanda threw her arms around my neck and hugged me crying.. her friend (mid 40's) passed away from Breast Cancer only yesterday... leaving 3 kids... 13 to 7 years old  :'( :'( :'(

We all seem to be overloaded with bad news lately...

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All the best to TractorNAN810, hope she is out of pain soon and and that goes for everybodies relatives who have been mentioned over the last couple of days in this thread.

For me, hearing about a local farmer who has worked hard all his life. .


A previous boss of my mates Dad who has fond memories of hand loading conventional straw bales on a four wheeler being pulled by a Fordson Major, I bet they really were the days as well.

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guys some of you are really going through a hard time and just hope everything gets better

sorry to hear that mandy my godmother has had cancer for the last 2-3 years on and off think shes on the mend but good luck to your freind and hope she gets better

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