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I know Snake just no on had made a comment about it thought the older members like Sean,Marky would of been a little upset

not likley, more upset at the lack of a certain page in the paper due to 10 pages about him for the 2nd week in a row :D :D :D :D :D

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woke up this morning to find the girlfriends cat had died, then in the afternoon got a phone call to say mum was in hospital cause a cow jumped a wall and knocked it down on top of her, shes going to need a few operations to try and correct her right foot :'( doctor told her she would be out of action for a while and wont be able to dance at my wedding :'(

Sorry to read this Andy, give my best to your mum and wish her a speedy recovery. My condolencies about the cat :(

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Good news, a little earlier tonight we were informed Mum had been found. Although she isn't back at home she is safe and being cared for. Thankyou for all your kind thoughts and comforting words of support, they have been greatfully appreciated. Although Mum was only missing for 2 days it was still 2 days too long, especially under the circumstances we first discovered she was missing. The next few days and possibly weeks are going to be tough resolving the underlying causes that led to her desperate actions, but at least I can now sleep knowing she's alive and well.

Thanks again everyone.


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What a relief it must be, David.  You know she is safe and well and they say "a problem shared is a problem halved".  Let's hope the problem that caused her to go missing can now be resolved. 

Although you have my sympathy I can understand your Mum doing what she did even if I do not know the underlying reason because I very nearly did the same thing once.  Just let her know you love her and worry about her. It really helps

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Just want to thank everyone again for all your kind words and heartfelt thoughts over the last couple of days, they mean a heck of lot to us all, Mum is now back at home and we have already taken the first very small positive steps to resolve the reasons for her disappearance. Main thing is she is back in our care and knows she is loved. :)

Kind regards


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found out our mate ralph is in hospital after a couple of cows he bought needed to be checked for tb as there is a case of it where they came from, and he was putting one into the cattle crush and it kicked out he fell and smashed his head on the concrete yard, they think he got trampled a bit as well and hes fractured his skull which caused a blood clot on the other side, hes got a broken rib and bruising down one of his arms :'( :'(

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