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I'm sorry to hear that, Scott. How did she manage that? Oh and how is your father nowadays?

Trying to do too many things at once and wasn't watching where she was going. Although granted she isn't as spry as she once was either.  Dad is still not the same as he was before the accident, his humour is there etc.... but physically he gets tired easy, and is very lethargic whcih wasn't him, he was always on the go.

Thanks for asking Tris.

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Mike Edwards former ELO founder and cellist who played at my Grandad's funeral was killed in a freak accident when a round bale hit his van after rolling down a hill and through a hedge. He was a really nice bloke and we're all shocked and upset :'( :'(



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one of our freinds committed suicide last night leaves a wife four boys aged between 14 and 5 . plus the wife is 5 months gone with number 5 .the village is in a state of shock this morning

That is so sad. They are going to need such a lot of support from friends at this time. Posts like yours make me appreciate how lucky I am to have my family. :'(

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Sorry to hear that sad news buddy.. chin up if you can  ;)

  Thankfully I'm on anti-depressants which took some of the edge off it,  but I'm still going to miss the silly old girl. Thanks Mark

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I don't really know which topic to post in ::)

I am quite sad :(

I am very annoyed >:(

What i've been 'up' to today is hurting myself ???

So i'm posting in what made you sad as I have been quite close to tears :'(

I was in Islington North London today collecting a JCB loadall ::)

The driver suddenly remembered that the brick guard off the fork carriage was in the compound ::)

He went and got it and layed it on the neck of my trailer ???  whilst chainning down the machine I had my left hand on the bed of my trailer near the step to the neck ::)

Said brick guard slid down the neck of my trailer on to my hand :of

:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

I thought i would get away with a black nail ::)


The force split my fingers and after a visit to A&E this evening I had the news that my middle finger is broken from top to bottom under the nail :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Bad enough I need to be off work but less than a month from Spalding >:( >:(>:(

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OOOOHH that has really made me cringe, I trapped my finger in a door last Christmas and that was nothing compared to what you have done Paul.

On the plus side, you will definitely have to come to Penrith now for a bit of R & R  ::) ::);) ;)

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Where to in " Bonnie Scotland" may I ask Paul ??? ???

I trust passport is up to date when you past through pass port control at "jdc's" at Berwick ;D ;D ;D ;D

Ha Ha

Remember the Case and cable drum trailer ???

I have got to take it up to Ayr 8)

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I know that will hurt Paul, had my thumb crushed between an L200 leafspring and a ramp (with virtually the full tension of the spring) it actually sprang down whilst still attached to the hangers, caried on working for the rest of the day and went hospital after work as my thumb had turned a funny colour, nothing broken but my thumb is almost twice as thick as the other one and has limited movement, this happened over 6 months ago so thats how it will stay, on a lighter note if they put your middle finger in a cast people may thing your are making a rather choice gesture at them. ;D ;D  Hope it gets better soon. ;)

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I had thursday and yesterday off and the fingers are well on the mend now :) :)  the swelling has gone down and I just have plasters on the splits which were glued back together.

Back to work Monday with a drivers mate to be my left hand :laugh:

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I don't really know which topic to post in ::)

I am quite sad :(

I am very annoyed >:(

What i've been 'up' to today is hurting myself ???

So i'm posting in what made you sad as I have been quite close to tears :'(

I was in Islington North London today collecting a JCB loadall ::)

The driver suddenly remembered that the brick guard off the fork carriage was in the compound ::)

He went and got it and layed it on the neck of my trailer ???  whilst chainning down the machine I had my left hand on the bed of my trailer near the step to the neck ::)

Said brick guard slid down the neck of my trailer on to my hand :of

:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

I thought i would get away with a black nail ::)


The force split my fingers and after a visit to A&E this evening I had the news that my middle finger is broken from top to bottom under the nail :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Bad enough I need to be off work but less than a month from Spalding >:( >:(>:(

Here's a picture of the brick guard which broke my fingers :'( :'(


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Ouch no wonder they broke Paul.

Glad to here you are on the mend.

Do you only use the ratchet type "dwangs" these days...those ones with the lever and closed with a pipe could be dangerous things.

I switched over to rachets about 2 years ago after my hand slipped off my pipe and it went through the windscreen of a JCB :of

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New reform wouldn't protect many people though, Bill. Gun crime associated with licence holders is on a small scale fortunately. The trouble is it is often personal matters and therefore a more shocking headline which is forever going to be media fodder. Gang land shootings, though far more common are rarely printed unless the wrong person was shot such as a child, again because it causes a frenzy of public opinion.

The case of the father and daughter is a sad one but I should think it was a state of mind at the time which caused it, regardless of the choice of weapon. No, reforming gun laws would not have helped. We'll have to have laws surrounding kitchen cutlery if that's the case.

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