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Well yes but I suspect both brothers had work commitments and well work really has to come first these days......

Anyway tells us stoppy backer's the gossip and who will be the first to post some photo's of the event :-\ :-\

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Just picked this story up and it sickens me, now if the farmer had shot one of these vile pieces of subhuman scum there would have been hell to pay, the tree hugging human rights lefties would be up in arms baying that all the nasty guns be banned, and that he should be locked away, well im sorry if someone broke into my property I would confront them with my gun and if i thought my life was in danger I would let them have it as it seems its a dog eat dog world nowadays. I do belive we should bring back capital punishment for lowlifes like these, when its an open and shut case that is completely watertight they should be strung up and not put inside costing the taxpayers thousands to rehabilitate someone that will never be any good.  >:(    >:(

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No Tris or Marky at Toytrac  :'( :'( :'(

I was sad not to have been there in the company of you all too. Got done on the maize at 3ish in the end so the drive down would have been spent waving at everyone heading back the other way!  :( :'(

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Today getting a phone call from my mum saying my dad's cousion Bet had passed away and her funeral is in Glasgow on Friday. She had suffered a maasive stroke. She only buried her son the Rev Andrew Jolly who died from cancer in his early 50's less than three weeks ago.

I know dad will want to attend the funeral so looks like I could be having a day off on Friday.

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Just off the phone to Graham Hill. He has had to cancel his working day event of Nuffield and Leyland's tomorrow due to the condition of the fields due to the rain.

On a positive note he is going to Newark in November and assuming the fields are not ploughed and everyone can still make it he is planning rearranging for another Sunday in November.

I hope it doesn't clash with Penrith :( :(

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Thanks Brian. From what the doctor said to mum it sounds slight. Anyway he should be in teh bst place now. mum was told to stay at home and phone in afternoon. I'll grab 1/2 lunch and go out to her at 2.30m if I don't hear anything.

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hope dads ok bill ;)

but for me was being invited to my great uncles funeral this friday amazing the same day as last year when we buried my uncle! :(

but this one died from a heart attack so it's a sad day as he would usually pick me up from school on a wednesday then we'd go off for a drive around then back to his farm and feed the cows and sheep :(

but me and dad are looking after his spot till the will is read out to see who gets what!

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