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Sorry to hear that David, I know of someone with Parkison's who is just the same, however he is now in a care home and he likes it a lot more. Its also taken a lot of stress away from the family, a situation you probably know a lot about.

Thanks for your kind thoughts Patrick. Very soon when the time comes and the decision has to be made i'm sure it will be the right thing to do for both my Gran's health and welfare and also relieve some of the concern and tensions between my Dad, Aunty and Uncle.

my grandma has Alzheimer's, so i can fully empathise with you David, my best wishes to you and your family.

Thanks for your kind words of support Alex, appreciated.

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Do not be too despondent about care homes, David.  My cousins own and run a care home here in the south and all the residents suffer from dementia.  I have visited this home and the care is wonderful.  Peter insists that it is their home and their dignity should be preserved.  While I was there a lady came to us as she had lost her way to one of the lounges.  Peter put his arm around her shoulders, gave her a hug (everyone likes a hug)  and gently pointed her in the right direction with "go straight down the corridor and just before you walk into the wall turn left!"  Lady went off chuckling with the comment "You are a card, Peter." 

In order to reduce confusion he colour-coded the building.  In one wing the ground floor corridors have blue walls, upper floor has yellow walls; Bedrooms have green door frames, bathrooms have blue frames and public rooms have white ones. 

Christmas time there is a party for all the residents and their families and on Christmas Day family members are welcome to come for dinner too.

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Do not be too despondent about care homes, David.  My cousins own and run a care home here in the south and all the residents suffer from dementia.  I have visited this home and the care is wonderful.  Peter insists that it is their home and their dignity should be preserved.  While I was there a lady came to us as she had lost her way to one of the lounges.  Peter put his arm around her shoulders, gave her a hug (everyone likes a hug)  and gently pointed her in the right direction with "go straight down the corridor and just before you walk into the wall turn left!"  Lady went off chuckling with the comment "You are a card, Peter." 

In order to reduce confusion he colour-coded the building.  In one wing the ground floor corridors have blue walls, upper floor has yellow walls; Bedrooms have green door frames, bathrooms have blue frames and public rooms have white ones. 

Christmas time there is a party for all the residents and their families and on Christmas Day family members are welcome to come for dinner too.

Thank you for your very comforting and reassuring words Sue with regards to your Cousin's care home, it sounds like a wonderful place. For the moment unless circumstances change Gran will be spending Christmas up at my Aunty's and then a decision will be made regards re-homing her in the new year. I certainly believe it will be the right thing to do. 

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Don't let Alex's new hair cut and designer stubble fool you, Mark. Alas he isn't as old as you think, them shoes is velcro! :D :D

Poor Alex. We gents are up with the bird song, taking the preverbial out of young Alex while he lays there fast asleep . . .

. . . . . in his cot. . . .

with his nunights blanket. . . .

:D :D :D

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Because you were drunk I take it ??? Or did you have Davids snow shoes on ?

you wouldn't be advocating drink driving now would you marky? :police: Don't make me tell Mrs F about your latest plans to spend loads of money on a whim! i mean become a farmer!

The hundreds of fags he had stuffed down his trousers?! :P

I've sort of given up thank you very much! didn't even ask for a sleeve from duty free!

Be honest Tris... You'd tied his shoelaces together hadn't you ???

so that's who that little man was running around at my feet...? i thought it was Dobby the house elf, from  harry potter, asked for his autograph and all he said was "pwwwttthhhhhhhh"  ::)

Don't let Alex's new hair cut and designer stubble fool you, Mark. Alas he isn't as old as you think, them shoes is velcro! :D :D

Poor Alex. We gents are up with the bird song, taking the preverbial out of young Alex while he lays there fast asleep . . .

. . . . . in his cot. . . .

with his nunights blanket. . . .

:D :D :D

them shoes are not velcro!...they're slip ons  :'( :-[. i think you are using the word "gents" rather loosely there Trissle...

also re the Cot comment, we both know you're the only one short enough to fit into one of those! or did you forget to take your platform shoes off?! oh and about the blanket, you promised you wouldn't tell anyone! wouldn't be so funny if i told everyone you listened to the harry potter audio tapes as narrated by steven fry to fall asleep to, would it trissle? forgive me, my fingers slipped on my keyboard...

only took me an afternoon nap and a jar of cow and gate babyfood to reply.... hope it meets expectations!


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Thanks everbody for your kind words, Im glad to say I have some very understanding mates at times like this.

sorry to hear this Pat.......I know what its like being near xmas etc.............you never forget, it does get easier to bear,time is a great healer

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