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Well Markus me ole fruit.. reading this topic doesn't help I guess... it's always such a sad place to look... I'm sorry to hear you've been suffering with depression buddy... I've got a couple of mates who have suffered in the past and I know how bloody awful it can be.  It's kind of you to share your ailment with us as well.. not bottling it up and being able to talk to your friends about it must also be a positive step in the right direction.

Keep your chin up and get on here as often as you can for the lighthearted entertainment FTF provides us all... just to put a smile on your face.... cop a look at this...

* Pulls Sean's nose and twists it *

* bends down and pokes Tris in the eye *

* ties the back stringy bit of Mandy's thong to Bills Audi towball and waits for him to go to work *


As for the rest of those above Markus .. sorry to hear your bad news as well...  :'(

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Im sure you are getting some support, such a difficult problem it is.....good that you can speak your mind......it is the journey your on and as long as you can share it the better things will look.......glad to see you are........

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Sorry to hear that Markus - yes FTF definitely the place to be - if these wierdos don't cheer you up a little nothing will!

And Lord F....

* ties the back stringy bit of Mandy's thong to Bills Audi towball and waits for him to go to work *

... good idea except Stevie borrowed all my thongs last time I saw him... can't remember what he wanted them for though ::)

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I have not been on here for a while because I feel sad too much of the time. I have depression . I need to rediscover how to enjoy life so I can be happier and make people around me happier, especially my family. Maybe if I go more on this forum it will help me.

You're not alone though Markus, I've been taking Fluoxetine for the past 3 years for depression and it doesn't look to be going away anytime soon (serotonin deficiency I'm told).

Keep exercising and working if you can, both really help me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You're not alone though Markus, I've been taking Fluoxetine for the past 3 years for depression and it doesn't look to be going away anytime soon (serotonin deficiency I'm told).

Keep exercising and working if you can, both really help me.

That's sh!t that stuff,I was sent off to the doctor a few years ago and got told by the doc that taking these would stop me from wanting to top myself all the time,I felt like rotten even while taking them,I worked out what was upsetting me and what made me happy and keep away from the things that trigered walking off to top myself.

Being told I was going to get cancer by the doctors,An abusive boss and massive $$$ pressure were the root of the problem talking to family did nothing.

I told my boss that he and the manager were both ba@#$ds and left.

I started smoking,found another job were I could earn more money with out being picked on and turned to my true friends just to hang out.

5 years on,I've had an operation to remove what ever might get cancer, my house is now almost 1/2 paid off,and I've stopped smoking and now share my worries etc with New Holland chick (my girlfriend) instead of bottling things up.Find the something you enjoy and focus on that if you can.

regards ol.

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.... instead of bottling things up.Find the something you enjoy and focus on that if you can.

I have been there, too and can say with conviction that what Ol said is really good advice, Markus.  You have to find something positive to take your mind off your problems.  When you are down life seems to stand up and kick you in the face and you need a hook to hang on to.

A complete change of scene can help too - take a holiday even if it is just a long weekend but go somewhere totally different.  If you are a country boy - go to a city; if you usually go self-catering  - find a nice hotel and be pampered. 

And, as already said, FTF'ers are a great bunch of friendly, caring people and ready offer encouragement and help and are always there for you as I know, only too well.

Chin up and keep logging in.


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Not here much cept to wind up Sean but sad to hear about the pets never easy since they become family.....glad to hear those with depression have a good support system.........best wishes to yall

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  • 2 weeks later...

My thoughts are with you Alex..in some ways I dread old age...an uncle of mine died  (88- 1/2) when I was down at Perth and I carried him from the church with 3 other cousins to the hearse. We then walked behind and then carried him to his grave on poles. I had a wee tear in my eye since uncle Bill was the prime driver of my 1957 Nuffield tractor which I have in my small collection...but hey ho life must go on.

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