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tm's first 16th convo

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Hi the tractor /loader and cab certainly looks good now the end is really in sight :).  Is the problem with the weight the red frame around it as I have never seen one like that before and it throws your eye out if you know what I mean or may be It's a little small scale wise it's hard to tell from the picture :-\.

Keep up the good work and I am sure pictures of this will appear in a certain tractor magazines model pages after it has appeared in some shows around the country. ;)

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i think its the size?? ours on the farm had a red metal angle frame all round the center with the hooks welded to that, but i seem to rememebr it being slighlty longer width wise and depth wise, it used to be chained to the lift arms to stop it banging round from memory, was home made i must say, they didnt get the proper fergy made ones till they bought the 80 loader on the 290,

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very true, the ones on the other farms were all different,one was a barrel for sure, the other concrete but not the same as this one was a triangle shape  from memory top to floor so to speak hooks in the top no metal round it

thanks for the comments guys, next step bucket painted and hopefully start the doors

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  • 2 months later...

I just thought I had not seen anything on this wonderfull piece of work for a long time and came back a lot of pages to find it. Did the project get finished or shelved due to lack of time or loss of interest. Myself  and probabley many others would like to see the finished model so could we please have an up date on what has happend :).

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it looks perfect mate we had a 165 with the same loader on it except the loader was all hydraulically controled ??? the cabs perfect aswell are you making the grill guard on the front so it can be the stand on the loader too ???

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it looks perfect mate we had a 165 with the same loader on it except the loader was all hydraulically controled ??? the cabs perfect aswell are you making the grill guard on the front so it can be the stand on the loader too ???

yes she will be getting that along with the doors ect to when i get going again on here, would be a shame to leave her un finished, just a little busy at the mo

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