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The adventures of Marky and Frankie the MF5445 - Born on 09.05.2008

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Well, comparing it to the dry peat we harvested that's all mate. The peat was sprayed with contact herbicide so the residue wouldn't stay in the product too long and pose a threat to anything possibly planted in it at a later stage. It was sieved and graded and the various products which came off it went for mushroom bedding (finest) garden compost; bulk and bagged (medium) and finally land reclamation which was the crap basically.

Being this is soil from washings it is going to be quite fine, this may render it a better product that just 'top soil' that's all. Could be worth investigating mate. If this comes up yearly you never know what it could mean to the right trade  ;)

thanks Tris... I guess it would never be 'top grade stuff' then unless I go to the expense of grading it out  :-\ - mind you... I guess if the market is there then I could bite the bullet and hire something in for a week or two  :-\

I was hoping to sell it in bulk... simple scoop, load and deliver as it is for local gardens  :-\ - when my local firms want over £40 per ton - I reckon I could be VERY competitive with this lot  :-\

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is that the stuff you take to Donarbon Marky? :-\ :-\

Nope.... I only collect from Donarbon Benny Baby.... I pick up their free 'kerbside compost' mostly.. I did wonder if they would be interested in buying this stuff mind you  :-\

They charge £12 per tonne for topsoil collected I belive  :-\

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No she's not Tris... but I drive past a weighbridge on the way back home... so I guess I can get a weight of one load and sell it as an 'average load' weight  :-\

I can call in on the way there... for my tare weight... and on the way back for my payload weight I guess  :-\ - in fact... I know my tare weight - I've got it on some of my old compost tickets I guess  :-\

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No she's not Tris... but I drive past a weighbridge on the way back home... so I guess I can get a weight of one load and sell it as an 'average load' weight  :-\

I can call in on the way there... for my tare weight... and on the way back for my payload weight I guess  :-\ - in fact... I know my tare weight - I've got it on some of my old compost tickets I guess  :-\

There you go then mate. What you want to do for an afternoon jolly is trundle up there, wiegh in then go on up and drop one good size bucket load in your trailer and load her on the way home. That way you know if old Pikey Smith comes up in his Transit dropside you know what to charger him. (Twice as much!)  :D

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Next time could you manage to get a better pic, showing both the Fords in their entirety, Thanks Mark.  ;D ;D

Hi Mark....

NO  >:(

:D :D - Ohhhh... OK then sometime

Howd you enjoy looimg at Quality there mary, those 2 old girls will love longer than frankie, id put $$$ on it

Quality... what quality... Ohhhh you mean the gull trailer... yes it was very nice Nick  ;D
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2 lovely 40 series there - about time some quality was posted in this thread :D :D :D

Here Here Colm  :D :D

About time too

Howd you enjoy looimg at Quality there mary, those 2 old girls will love longer than frankie, id put $$$ on it

;) ;) Enough said  ;) and bignose knows it too  :-*
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you got any closer to getting the 3095? re top soil, were i work on and off screen soil and sell best grade topsoil for £10 a ton delivered in a 15 mile area ;) guess it aint worth as much as some people sell it for :-\ guess its supplie and demand here

I've not Mike... I think I'll hold fire for a few more months actually... things arn't so hot at work at the minute and I'll probably need the money through the summer holidays - I'm looking to charge around the £10 delivered mark too I think... I've seen some truly crazy prices around here as well.  I'm off to look at a nice old Marston trailer next week  :-\
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