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Everything posted by smithy

  1. I have spoken to Andy about this and like a few others it has been posted on here it not important but sometimes I /you would LIKE to no so we could thank the members for pushing the LIKE button . that's start a poll if you agree with me push the LIKE button ?
  2. Had to go to London yesterday on business and at the end of the day popped into the science museum they say every village has one well I found the one down London
  3. Went to my mates garage on Tuesday to pollard a oak tree which I last did about 7 years ago good to see he cared about me as he had a Ambulance on stand by haha
  4. Yes ploughing that amount and the secondly cultivations would take a lot of time and fuel so yes if done right on clean stubbles direct/zero till has a place if dry but on wet ground with a lot of chopped straw only cause problems later on as in slugs straw hiding the small weeds from chemicals and straw soaking up the pre emergent chemicals I now you are bailing some but you cant clear it all I now you now what you are doing and keep up the good work but I am clad to see you have a plough
  5. I have been driving the Case Puma 160 today in 10 hrs we have lifted 30 acres 3 off us on trailers been non stop could have done with 1 more trailer as we had a 3 mile round trip back to pad along a single track had to time it right to miss each other the CBs come in handy today . This is the harvester that my neighbour owns the one I posted yesterday was on demo as for the last 4 days he has been running both to catch up as a lot of rain forecast on Monday/Tuesday . only got these pictures today when we had to stop to replace a broken knife
  6. Glad to see you have a plough its the best tool for blackgrass maybe not the cheapest
  7. I was cleaning out a ditch with my mini-digger when I took a call from my neighbour could I go and pick up the fiesta from one farm go and pick up 2 driver head of to Trimly near Felixstowe to pick 2 truck with fuel bowser from one field head of to Sutton Hue to catch up with demo harvester fill with fuel leave them the fiesta to get home with tonight and back tomorrow while I brought the truck and bowser back to the farm to refuel bowser ready for sunday morning as I have to take it to fill up his own harvester and then stay with them on a tractor to cart beet don't now what tractor I will be on till I get there in morning I will be near Ipswich with his own harvester while the demo one will still be a Sutton hue
  8. yes and I guess some of them are expensive to run as some drink more than others
  9. well done so you was looking at models of a different type last night ?I hope they did not have oversize spare tires on in the wrong places and not to big of front-linkage haha have fun
  10. I now how you feel several months back I stood on a small screw driver right through my foot no pain at the time but a few hours later the pain was unbearable
  11. Thank you see you in Zwolle I am leaving in the next hour to get to Martyns ready for overnight boat
  12. Yes I remember that if im right somebody said come and look in my van I may have something for you and that's the last we saw of david that afternoon
  13. Was working for my mates down at the forge yesterday first job was to clean up the gates as a lorry was coming to pick them up to get them galvanised they should be back next week then we can go and hang them next job was to cut in half 55 barrels ready to make barbecues for next year we make free standing legs pop the drum on to coats of paint bit of mesh in the bottom they sell like hot cakes
  14. Thanks Mark ,also the likes bell symbol at the top of the home page mines got stuck on 19 ,sometimes flashes up to 45 yes could delete the 19 as don't now hue they are but just left it
  15. yes will try it lightly next time as I am used to hitting McCormick with big hammer ,don't now what happened but the site went down after I posted that message
  16. only now got back on forum as all day yesterday it was saying there was a problem error codes EX23 and EX1016 was all I got was it just me or was the site down or being upgraded again
  17. Nice looking cattle you have there trigger must say the last few days I was clad to be in a shed weather not very good here last few days
  18. Nice looking cattle you have there trigger must say the last few days I was clad to be in a shed weather not very good here last few days
  19. Yes blame poor little David but we all now the truth so behave yourself this time Sean
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