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Everything posted by smithy

  1. When i got back to farm yesterday afternoon i got lawnmower on a table on washed it down underneath as i have got to get the streering sorted out cogs are bit worn and jump if turning quickly ,was able to hold up in air on jcb to wash underneath
  2. Yesterday my mate called in for a few hrs and finished welding this back together , got the angle on the top of main beams so any grain that comes over the top should fall off as no flat surfaces . Also cut and drilled a thicker bit to bolt along the bottom ,just got to get a thick bit of rubber to put along bottom as a ware strip
  3. HaHa yes you are right on that one πŸ€£πŸ‘
  4. what about a his and hers house ,you live one side with models wife lives other side with cooker washing machine etc ,have a door connecting the two so you can nip though for meals πŸ˜‚ . Yes i am joking
  5. Just spotted my spelling mistake its supposed to be THE but put to twiceπŸ˜‚ i blame the phone
  6. Wow to to roll made me feel hungry , its a shame that tractors get left to the salt but its a tribute to there build that they have lasted so long , cant see newer one lasting that long to the salt
  7. He came back with a yes as long as i buy thes of him ,they are Ertl not in best condiction as rams broken and bit of rust on rams .Anyway we had a deal in the end .It was the Dell boy i really wanted but job lot was ok
  8. Yes this not agri but thought i would share it with you ,other day i come across this and owner said he would sell but not sure of value so made a offer and he said he would come back in a day or so with a yes or no 20230305_181158.mp4
  9. Yes its not a model but not going to start a new topic just for one mug ,got this last weekend while over at show in France
  10. Wow looks brilliant ,well done πŸ‘
  11. Looking very good , well done Gemma and Paul πŸ‘
  12. Yes it was a great time Paul we did have a few free samples allow we turned some down as we did not now what they was πŸ˜… weekend went by to quickly
  13. I better get some bales of straw fixed in it so you can sit down and clean the small window at front so you can see where you are going and if i open the small grain shoot at back you can see where you have been πŸ˜‚
  14. Dont know where you will all sit if he use it to get to Zwolle next time πŸ€£πŸ‘
  15. From the show ,there bales hay are a lot bigger than i make , basicaily show is all the breeds they farm/breed in france and all the other foods they produce there is also a section on foods from around the world and drink
  16. Over weekend myself and Goody together with are wifes nipped over to France to this show ,myself and goody have been before as it used to run at same time as Sima ,but sima has been moved to November so are wifes said now you can take us to this one so we did
  17. My mate come in to help for a few hrs today so while i got on with other little jobs he started to stick this back together , he plan on nipping back next monday to do the main welds and put a couple of braces on it . Blade was at a angle before but now it is staight and is about 6inches longer
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