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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Obviously you are not including me in that statement Johnny boy! Well impressed with your baler mind, in a 'someone needs to get out more' kind of way!
  2. Really nice little show [christ I'm photogenic!] And Damien's building still blows my mind, no matter how many times I see it!
  3. Went cashless to Brum, but I did bring home a Norev Dominator from my best bud Bazza.... a thing of beauty..... And the combine And my little mate who came with me had a good haul incidentally... UH Fendt 2-O-something kommunal, courtesy of t'other Barry Britains JD 4020 2wd Fermec skid steer loader Rauch spreader Siku Lanz Britains Vicon/Logic spreader And one of those nice litle stacks of fert bags from Mandy.... Great day, nice show....will definitely be back!
  4. Trissle, you're a waster! I'll be in for a couple of hours in the morning, going to bring a friend's son who I took to Spalding last year, he's desperate to go and his dad says I've got to take him or he'll have to instead!
  5. I hope Andy didn't buy it from Asda.....he'll be pig sick!
  6. God James, you're soooooo serious... I agree it would be nice to go back to the moulded tray with the clear moulded cover, that was probably as good as Britains packaging ever got... these ruddy wire ties and random bits of cardboard packing are a right pain in the ar&e... I do still like the UH/Ros packaging though.... snug and sturdy.... one thing at a time mind, let's let Britains enjoy the glory of apparently getting the models right again before we start complaining about the boxes!!!!
  7. Don't wish to jinx things, but it looks like Britains are back!! F*&%*%£ ACE!!!!
  8. Quite right! Probably something the wrong side of 100 grand!!!
  9. They were ok doing it off a wheel?! That's incredible really Bill... I wouldn't have thought they would have accepted something which can so easily be changed.....! Thanks for that though.... very interesting....
  10. That would be much appreciated Mike.... thanks!
  11. I'll pass that on, thanks!
  12. You've inhaled too much lime plaster I reckon mate.....
  13. What's their specialism exactly? I just had a look at their website....
  14. Someone has asked how he goes about getting a V5 for a 135 he has bought for which the owner didn't have a logbook. It has no number plate on it and he doesn't know whether it ever was registered. He has the engine, gearbox & axle numbers and wants to know how he can get it registered and get a new V5 in his name.... An ideas how he should go about it people...? Thanks!
  15. Aaaaaah, that's what Mandy was on about when she was muttering something about..'and then he startled me with a marrow..!..'
  16. What did you say the date was on this press release?!
  17. Christ Ciaran! That's amazing!! Did Jez get hold of you in the end?
  18. Will 'Marky's Oddly Shaped Vegetable Museum' be open for the day too...?
  19. Tell him he can do my spraying for me in future then!!!
  20. Cover to covered... nearly twice.... can't you make it fortnightly Rory?! Another superb issue Mr Day.... Was even better than last months issue.... which in my haste to acquire this month's, I bought twice..!!! Anyone want to buy a mint condition unread copy of Classic Tractor, April 2010...?!
  21. Gaydon's AMAZING but JLR are pretty touchy about letting people in.... if you could arrange that one I'd be there like a shot.... Had a morning playing the RRS S/C there at the end of January, incredible facility, I fear for it's future under Tata's ownership though, it's a bit of a luxury....
  22. Milliput is slightly different to that stuff Ricky.... I have a tube of something like that, loaded with toluene, makes me high as a kite then kills my brain, it's like sniffing poppers.... as you say, good for fine filling cracks.... I used Milliput for making the fuel tank & weight block on Colin's 106 amongst other things... nicely pliable to roughly shape, then cuts and files easily... filled it smooth with the 1 part stuff.....
  23. I don't think it's so much a case of taking a long time for them to become available, more that in this hi-tech age of instant information we hear about them sooner in the pre-production phase...?
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