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Everything posted by ihatepoundland

  1. I could not find the topic where we were discussing suitable engines, but the discussion on the "murdermachine" reminded me of this:
  2. Some skylines have a 1.8 NA engine...90 odd horsepower..don't want to mess with one of them The 500hp Nismo is a very rare beast, most have around 280hp offically (read more like 320hp reality)....but then some imprezzas have less than 100hp as well. But nothing compares to a Yamaha R1 at the lights as I found out t'other day
  3. I didn't know you could get "proper" steering on a 1/64 model, thats cool
  4. New set of questions, if you can answer any, that would be great... Did all county 1174s with blue bodywork have blue cabs or was a white cab an option?...I've seen a few but wonder if this was standard What colour is the cab interior? is the frame the same as the external? what about control panels etc? I notice many have had the fuel tanks between the wheels removed and instead have a tank on the front platform....was this a factory option? And lastly, the 1174 appears to have come with either the 6600 style grill or a rectangular affair...when did the swap occur?
  5. I really hope UH get the licences to the new fastracs, afterall JCB are fussy and Britains have not provided a proper 1:32 model of one...fingers crossed
  6. Theres a damn good roundabout for offroading on in Barnstaple ...know it TM810?
  7. Ones without date/time stamps Nice pictures of classic machinery though
  8. They put in "traffic calming" on our road.....my younger brother went a bought a LR 90 V8 as a first car
  9. I'd love to go to a shop, but when at home it costs more in petrol than it does to have the stuff delivered, and thats based on not finding it within that radius
  10. Making allsorts so guess I better get a selection, just trying to work out what would be the extremes i.e too thin/thick, around .5 to 1.5mm sounds about right I guess
  11. I usually buy it in a shop and just buy what feels right, but now I need to buy some online but I can't think what the best thickness would be?
  12. Maybe then, just want to do the projects that have personal interest first
  13. If you think my tank is ugly...look at this one I don't think I'll be building another one now though, fendts aren't really my thing
  14. That is a beast of a machine...interesting tread pattern as well, wonder why they chose a tractor over a bulldozer
  15. Haha, maybe the same guy repainted sean's tractors......could always say its a model of a resto
  16. Cool, I would have prefered to have got more track onto the ground but it wasn't practical, plus this set up aids turning I guess....not sure whether to add a pto drive...should the trailer have one anyway though for the crane?
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