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Everything posted by ihatepoundland

  1. ah, I did wonder (he says after the event) so what HP has this got...if anyone can guess the engine, is this fairly new and not a farm build?
  2. I cropped that photo a bit...was the D series used by NH
  3. No idea on the cost, but to offset it you could let out the field in the footwell
  4. I think having a pub next to the field may have a part in that
  5. haha yeah..my excuse, it was off Is that a ford engine? It was a very well built trailer, and pretty big
  6. Numpty over a JD? argh (typo not misidentifcation yer 'onor)
  7. .....with a front linkage nice lot of grass in the rad, we'll soon ave us a bonfire
  8. I think for some of these fields behind me, it'd be very difficult if not impossible to swing a large header on a trailer into the field off the lanes
  9. It would be great to have a header trailer, such a minor thing but the combines you sell all need them
  10. Any more info on this? like cost or even who it is for? a contractor?
  11. Will they ever stop with the supprises??? When will these be availible to joe public?
  12. Hi,Nigel Ford sells some, he has a profile on here, a search for his name should do it (i think)
  13. ihatepoundland


    Agrotron per chance ;)?
  14. Well done sean must be hard work making a tractor look smaller than another even though they share so much so respect for not slapping 550 decals on a 595
  15. ihatepoundland


    615 is something I might do, got a complete one minus the black bits on the mudguards and cab glass...but not more fendts for a bit
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