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Everything posted by ihatepoundland

  1. lets give the guy a chance What you into craigy69, other than Ford blue and the number 69?
  2. and its a 7810, which make it even worse Did sound great though
  3. yeah, I did wonder why they saved the biggest tractor for the last trailer, which was the lightest
  4. Thanks There were some big clouds though or is that a hedge tris?
  5. It must be tempting to start it off, get out, walk to the other end of the field and have a brew
  6. I don't think it'll be an issue as long its not treated like a toy, but I would be inclined to do as you say to some of them....i'd deffinatly take out the front one though, if the metal was as thin to be accurate, plastic or brass would have more strength
  7. I've been tempted for a long while to have a go at one of those cabs with a dremel, replacing where possible the thick cab structs with thinner sections
  8. thats a good point, once worked in a coffee shop over summer, machines produced about a shoebox ammount every 2 hours or so
  9. I would say the chains are taken off the side and most are allowed to fall/pushed out
  10. Lazy day really, tidied up a bit, watched the tractors, played some tunes and did a bit for work
  11. Green forklift, now a green trailer....I think someone is trying to come out
  12. Yep, extremely light...i think they just like to get it out the way, what with it being so far from their farm, be interesting to see what happens now, they can't really put animals on it because its so far, whether it'll be grass or not for another year we wait to see, I hope not though cos the bloody neighbours treat it like their own dog walking circuit, nosing around the back of our garden >
  13. Mirrors mean you'll never be able to photograph anything in it \......
  14. This is gonna look well....and ebay you say (insert scratching chin smilie)
  15. ha ha!, maybe, don't worry craigy69, don't need thanks, I do it for the love
  16. Last one, did the whole field with three trailer loads
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