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Everything posted by ihatepoundland

  1. Just wondering now why you thought that?
  2. Will there be an exam \ Great pics again and good info
  3. Afraid not, its a dealership and was locked up, if I go past when its open, i'll get some/try to find out if it'll be working though I can't think of a farm that'd need it
  4. East midlands this is Oooa-ar country (somerset)
  5. if it was a GTA, why did they need to put a bonnet on it
  6. Wack a great big logo/watermark over the images then, still retaining copyright
  7. Whats the issue with copyright? Cropmaster, who do you work for
  8. No problem, they look fairly simple to me, good luck (we need pics )
  9. I haven't seen the gtp, but if I had to build a dust machine, I'd consider a cooling fan out of a laptop and a small battery + dust reservoir
  10. Same here sean :'( fields on top of hill looking very golden but the big field still has a fair bit of green, won't be long though
  11. peaviners-reunited.com, I can see it now!
  12. it like drivin' round with ure foggies on innt'!
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