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Everything posted by ihatepoundland

  1. International man, appreciate the effort but both have the wrong cab and mudguards, the second the wrong bonnet
  2. Chalk and cheese...may have been more than 2 (probably was)
  3. County 754s in working clothes 2nd one (my favourite)
  4. There was a lorry as well, wonder if that will count
  5. Smallest I can remember seeing were these and a few Ford 1200's
  6. Its no where near as big as the ertl 956, pretty much the same size as Britains 6600 if that helps
  7. That looks plausible, would i need to remove the bit of red bonnet between the engine and cab though?
  8. This is my conversion of an Ertl IH 784, its not quite finished, needs some tidying up and a real exhaust but wondered what model number would best suit it, I am thinking a 743, would this work?
  9. Good luck with that (if its for charity and you take pictures ) if you beat it, we'll only have to try again and that means more tractors
  10. Countys Part 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 - Cheating or a bumb start 7 8 9 10
  11. Thanks for the suggestions (keep them coming if you have more ideas ) I'll look up the makes you have all suggested later and let you know what I'm thinking of.....its deffinatly not going to be a common brand
  12. 2141 seems to be the offical number
  13. Whoops forgot that one....too much to remember Were you driving Nigel? How'd the Fendt find getting round...it was quite near the far end wasn't it (near the soil technology one)
  14. Yep, one spotless, other looks a bit rough One thing I regret is not looking for a 35x with PAVTs
  15. Nothing that big, couldn't be wider than the tractor anyway and the headlands meant 5 furrows was fairly tricky with tractors on the inside/outside of the turn. There were a few Simba like things and a mole plough behind a D* Cat, they'd be the largest I'd guess. biggest tractor was the FW-30....you wait for one to come along..... (Does it get better than that!?)
  16. I just found a Star with a hatch.....but its set further back, there might be other models though? Major....again another good idea as I've seen one used locally, haven't seen one with a mid top hatch...though maybe they exist....maybe I should ignore accuracy since this is the wrong way to approach it
  17. That looks promising, but were they availible with the top hatch? thanks for the photo
  18. Thanks rich, i looked up an abbey and it looks like that could be passed off......my problem now is I don't want an abbey :'(
  19. 2010 I think is when the defender as we know it will either be totally replaced or removed...might be a bit late
  20. Wow, pimped that out nicely Looks much better for paint
  21. I built this out of my scrap (milk tanker, tesco farm set axle, and a keenan chassis) I had to add the top bit to advoid sawing it off....was meant to be a MF tanker from days of old....but would a different colour/make be more accurate? Any ideas, I don't know my tankers.
  22. Yep all ran implements, record is number of tractors working in a field (moving as well) and they deffinatly took the stationary record as well. The must all work for 5 minutes, but they ran for at least half and hour to make sure, and if people wanted they could carry on afterwards. Some of the implements though the harrows behind some won't have been used since the days of horse, others had some manic sub soilers....i think this combo took the biscuit though.....should have heard that stressed JD sing
  23. Lots of Lackham kit there No idea mate, more NH to follow when I have time to upload them....more important stuff like Muir Hills, Countys, Roadless, Northtrop, Steiger etc to post first
  24. here are some more pics of the general event to give an idea of what was there: Amazing mix of old and new
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