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Everything posted by ihatepoundland

  1. ROS also pretty much copied Britains reversable plough
  2. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=6996867357&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&rd=1
  3. Good work, if its 1:43 then I needn't worry about it
  4. And then I'd like a race between said tractors
  5. Its a site full of firsts I'd never seen a county like this before;
  6. I'm not sure if its a conversion or not - the site I found it on has some "interesting" conversions on it
  7. And TM810 I was in Mutley on thurs/fri, had a great run back up the A38 through the christmas holiday nutters, made it in 1 hour 10...which was nice
  8. Ah Old Ford, I live on the wellington side of taunton
  9. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BRITAINS-1-32-SCALE-LOG-SLED-REF-9412_W0QQitemZ6995675376QQcategoryZ117196QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Was a point where you couldn't sell these for ?2.50 a few months ago
  10. I reckon 70 ish tractors (though some are JD 7920s and MF3050 for conversion) and probably 130 other models
  11. Fantastic - hope for you sake this doesn't give siku an idea
  12. didn't massey sell metalic green as an option?
  13. Thanks for the work Dave, it does look like connecting the motor to the track would not be hard at all, although it might require some electrical jiggery pokery to go from the 12v track to the tractors supply (is it 3.7v?). I've been thinking that maybe reducing the voltage and wiring it externally into the original batteries terminals would mean that the tractor could still be used as a battery RC tractor when needed, although the RC unit would have to be stuck in the forward posistion. maybe getting hold of a geared 12v motor and a normal tractor/combine to fit it to, would be a simpler, cheaper solution, thinking about it, it seems retrograde to stick a RC tractor on a track.
  14. Nah, it'd be cool to have a tractor race the siku idea would only need the pickup brushing and those are 25p (its more the ?55 that I dont have for the tractor thats stopping that idea), old cars are plentiful as well, had a thought about fitting the whole running gear into a standard tractor - a MB trac should take it well (but they are a bit wide) but I think the gearing in the siku is important if I want it to tow anything. Anyway, not going to do it for now, just wondering if it could.
  15. I was just thinking that if i ever did set up a proper layout somewhere, I might as well run a length of scalextric as a road, being 1:32 and all, so there could be a few tractors running up and down it occasionally, carting trailers etc....its a long long way off but it was an interesting thought. Thanks though dave, I don't have any RC siku myself, but I think you are right in that if it is just two wires, it should work really.
  16. I think this model of Fastrac does not have equal sized wheels - if they get it right, shouldn't a tractor thats indepentantly sprung with larger tyres pull better than a conventional? or is it the weight distribution, gearing or tread? I guess the highspeed tyres are crap
  17. ihatepoundland

    ford 6700

    And not even a hint of overspray on the rims
  18. Just wondering, if you took the whole thing apart and instead of running off the battery, connected the motor to a guide on a scalextric (or other brand track) would the thing work???
  19. Why don't you increase prices?* *I nominate this sentance as possibly the worst thing ever posted on this board
  20. Thats not sorry, thats a good honest working tractor i think sometimes its good to see a tractor with a bit of character to represent its history, rather than something that has had it all repainted off and that looks like it just came out of the factory, ready for work, although in its restored condition it'll never see any for fears that a spot of oil may ruin its chances of a concours badge.
  21. Haha, I thought at first glance it was a converted wet wipes container!
  22. ihatepoundland

    If only......

    Siku?!! If we're gonna dream, UH!
  23. I cant read the other sizes (too metric i am)
  24. rear AR 700/50 x 26,5 42.3mm is my guess
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