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Everything posted by ihatepoundland

  1. Lighting up your layout? Bottle of lighter fluid and a box of matches Have crowd ready to shout "barn on fire"
  2. Why not remove all the agruim content (he already has a site, I'm sure he'll live ) and put some more of your own up if you only have 100 pictures?
  3. The Australian market seems to have changed over to yellow. http://www.newholland.com/h4/news/news_detail.asp?Reg=AU&RL=ENAU&ID=2830&NavID=000001938511
  4. May as well try.....a Bray Centaur please
  5. i hope we get more than one bale this time, or the opportunity to buy more
  6. Looks like you've out done yourself this time
  7. At16 Ferguson Transport box & milk churns Hahaha, can you go wrong with that one? Van Hoorn Model Tractors seem to have the best images of the range (I find farmmodels.co.uk images don't show the tractors too well) But Van Hoorn's site seems busted; www.vanhoorntractors.nl , so you have to use google to see the images for most of the range, just click on the images to see the larger one (there seem to be a few conversions in there as well) http://images.google.co.uk/images?q=www.vanhoorntractors.nl&svnum=10&hl=en&lr=&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&sa=G&imgsz=
  8. ebay? "was running when I last used it"
  9. Ah well, I reckon it'd work if you only singed them a bit, maybe FB sould try it
  10. Superglue? is there a blutac shortage I don't know about?
  11. Instead of repeating myself, I'll just say that all the models you've posted up this week are brilliant
  12. If a one word answer is all that is required to a question, that is perfectly ok. What the rules prevent are the posters that go to every thread and post something just to bump up their post count; or so that the last post on every board belongs to them . I.E say a disscusion was going on, they would just post " " or "yeh", usually without reading the thread.
  13. Something that *might* work to get them to look dirty/old - get out a blow torch and give them a going over (not too much ) , its quick, fun and might get you in the local papers
  14. yeah, please do, nothing more disapointing than to click on "unread posts" or the lit up blue icon, click on that thread, only to find the word "yeh".
  15. I think a lot of the poor stuff comes from the transistion period when things weren't certain; but I'm not going to write them off because some of the items are really good for the money. Goodhead, do you forward the emails to RC2?
  16. Well fair enough guys, I suppose its all about what you want...I'd rather have 60 individual pieces but then thats me
  17. Thanks for the effort guys, but I did know about those - I'm not paying ?7.75 for a joal front axle, I'd be out of my mind to do that when you can get the whole tractor for ?9inc p&p . The JD front axle is good, but again once you take the rear tyres off and links, you are left with junk - and ?10 is a lot for that one useful piece. What I am suggesting is a cast axle designed purely as the basis for conversions. would white metal be too fragile? would resin work?
  18. I'll take of your hands if the price is right, drop a PM or email my way if you would old chap - any photos would be good But what I think is there must be an easier way of doing things? That doesn't involve ending up with loads of bonnets, chassis and floorpans around the place
  19. Anyone on here collect them? I ask, because its going to sound like I'm laying into them, so sorry for that, but we might as well discuss it....to me they seem ridiculosly expensive, they may be hand crafted (to what extent) but ?750 for something like this: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Border-Fine-Art-Hay-Turning-TRACTOR_W0QQitemZ6240001407QQcategoryZ47409QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem I just can't get my head around
  20. Does anyone else find it annoying having to cut up whole tractors to get these? Is it possible (and heres a question for Dave, Ian, Paul etc.) that decent "generic" 4WD and 2WD axles could be cast for around ?3-4 each, or is it too complex? Am I alone in wanting these, cos I reckon they would sell
  21. Quite simply - they aren't worth more Hope that helps
  22. OH crap, it got out! seal the labs! Its been posted before somewhere on here, back in the early days, interesting idea and must be a unique driving experience
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