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Everything posted by ihatepoundland

  1. Excuse the quality, it is driveby photo from my phone, thought some would like this, shows how markets manage the mess. Whats the machine?
  2. 2003, this one is looking good then Thanks for the info
  3. I don't know my MF but could this be a new one? There was a van in the field with it behind a hedge (couldn't see what was going on) might have something todo with the clutch
  4. Not doing anything
  5. ....the way Landrover saw fit to attach the seats in the back of the 90 SW
  6. I don't think you took enough Some of those looking a bit special
  7. Heres the photo, wellington monument to the right (follow the power cables) field with JD in dead centre
  8. Looks like a goodun any plans to add the body work aft of the main wheels?
  9. Whats going on in the third pic?
  10. makes sense, our garden is pure clay
  11. I will try sometime, there is a gap in the hedge right behind the tractor, but the road is NSL and files down to a single lane over a bridge so standing there to get the shot is a bit daunting!
  12. Pick up! The first pic shows how far away he was...not a chance
  13. Just drove past on the main road, they are picking it all up tonight it seems
  14. 4 months....ah the easy life...now to find a job
  15. I like the way its held together over the years
  16. That is a massive dealership....so get snapping!
  17. Saw this, couldn't stop to get a better shot....it was bat country!! And a crop of that image
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