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Everything posted by MJB1

  1. Well the quicker you start cleaning out cambridge with that mill baler , you'll have lots more room :D
  2. you know mark you really ought to get out & see pops & while yer there, track some of this stuff down to see if it's worth importing, after all you have the leaflets , wouldnt it be great if you had the machines to go with them , even better , we have the coldridge collecton in devon , you could have the histon collection your end
  3. i wonder how much it would cost for a dealer in the us to find one & import it over here ?
  4. MJB1

    End of an era

    ah so it won't all be 'new brick' everywhere then, shame some of them wernt listed, as would have been nice to see them restored back to how they should have been
  5. MJB1

    End of an era

    i bet you were torn between big smiles & sadness to be back there jas could none of the older stone building be converted to barn conversions jas or is the bigger call for more 'affordable new housing '
  6. erm ....? i'm sure the others will join me in saying we're glad you got yer bits sorted pop's but please don't do that to us again \ :D like the tractor rick :)
  7. about time you did then dan , be a bit like an options list :)
  8. thats probably why it runs as well as it does , real nice crisp exhaust note to it john , smooth running & very responsive, it needs very little in the way of a heat if any to start & doesn't spend forever & a day turning over to fire up :)
  9. bit of a tip for the windows on the 3080 johny,instead of the thinner clear plastic that would go on the inside , i did one once & scribed the window shape onto a CD case then inserted them into place with the help of a small ammount of glue
  10. was a good drive home colm, &was glad to see it where i can get to it as & when i want to think simon would have the upper hand jdm , but simons tractor will suit him well seeing as he'll actually give it some serious work , the 31 he bought looks a nice tractor & well looked after thanks kev , i thought the hat suited me as for the overalls , either my stomach got smaller on the trip home or the overalls had stretched as they were getting quite comfortable by the time i took them off Ben for the record mate she's done 1407 recorded hours , so the numpty can go mate of course there is the danger it's on the second time round the clock :D :D but the engine sounds & runs sweet as a nut
  11. well this is a fine howd ya do isn't it ? have a go at me for so called dissing the deere & then takes more pics of the massey that brings it home than the very tractor he's just bought ??? :D
  12. another amazing bit of work there dan , think you,gav , FP, & thomas have this lark down to a T
  13. at the moment , she's all parked up under the fir trees at mads dads, so i supose the first job will be to tow start his zetor :D :D as for parts i'll pm you in the week
  14. it took us 1.5 hrs to get home & the distance was about 25 miles so not bad going really, it certainly didn't feel like 1.5 hrs , but like all things , time flys when yer haveing fun thanks mark, brakes were ok , but not great & no the windscreen wiper didn't work , but it didn't rain all the way home
  15. well to be honest mate , it's been16 years since i wore them last these i knew they wouldn't fit over my stomach , surprised i got them on at all ! :D ohh yes be back on later as got a film to see
  16. well just like simon , i managed to get my tractor home as well , but under it's own steam & just for sean ,the hat i wore
  17. all home safe & sound then simon ,, was going to ring you to see how you were getting on as i got mine back today as well 168miles ! a good day out really :)
  18. lovely looking without the cab adie, you've made it look like it was built like that :) top banana :)
  19. weeeell i'm only trying to make you feel better about yerself :D
  20. don't you worry mate i'm red for life, but you cant knock the deeres
  21. that was quite refrained for you mart are the reds getting to you now :D
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