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Everything posted by Deere-est

  1. . .. and a Topline stuck in a lane eh Sean
  2. Went past not so long when they were busy at it. I see the lorries are already in and out picking the crimped corn up and the farms chaps are out ploughing the ground. Must be a good busines for them.
  3. That's Chris Awdry's combine at Beanacre is it not? :)
  4. A classic is something (anything) that captures and freezes a moment in time. It beds itself into your memory with fondness, happiness, an air of nostalgia and maybe at a time of your life that sparks its own memories for good or for bad times. It's a memory that you don't struggle to find or remember, it's close to the forefront of all things good - your work, your family, your school years. .. . A classic joke. A classic car. A classic prank at school. A classic film. Anything. Relating to farming and farm machines.. . It is for me, the Massey Ferguson 390T.
  5. Pity about the pictures. It looks nice but the details can't be seen to well \
  6. Brillaint for a number of reasons. 1) It looks great - authentic, realistic and eye catching. 2) It's you.
  7. Juuuuust brilliant!!!!! This is going to look so good on a diorama and all painted up 8)
  8. That's a lovely piece of equipment, it certainly looks fragile as you say but then fragility brings detail and this certainly has the details
  9. Very popular in my area, I will look forward to seeing more pics of this.... It's lovely. :)
  10. Oh and that was the youngest son, Jason you saw. Or Amos as I like to call him.
  11. Like I could achieve that!!!!! : Yep pusher like the one above, I have Van Bentum pics to base it on and it will be near enough like that pic. Colour wise I have some ideas, just got to get the right shades of each colour to go 'click'
  12. This is mega nice!!!! Really smart and looking at the amount of donor parts from so many different sources... . I dare say it ha snot been the cheapest make! Well worth it though, very very smart.
  13. Lots of custom and scratch built models on offer here by the looks of it. Great looking trade stands.
  14. Appears so mate, got let it go off for a week/10 days then we can give it a rub down. Probably leave it a bit longer before we put anything on it though.
  15. Logs today and then this evening I photographed the last of the current Britains collection before putting them all in the loft out of the way. Now playing with the HTC and Laptop, syncing music to my 'phone so I can listen to it when on the log processors. Reminds me how many CD's I have not yet uploaded to the laptop, another job! These 'phones take over your lives!! :laugh: :laugh:
  16. Happy Birthday Mattias!! The big 4-0, life begins here so everyone tells me :laugh: :)
  17. That's a dealer not far from me... http://www.drewsofdinton.co.uk/
  18. It is also a very nice photo. Jack, you caught that old girl just right
  19. I mean't I bet the real deal is expensive, Joe Sorry!
  20. Our plasterer has finished, original quote was two days being £300 plus materials. Final figure... .. . .... £260 all in!! Reeeeeeesult!! ;D
  21. It isn't an artic trailer either. Flipping expensive no doubt too!!
  22. I'd think twice about traveling any distance at all to spend a weekend in a makeshift venue like a farm shed!! No, that would be a step in the wrong direction.
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