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Everything posted by Deere-est

  1. That must take so many hours to fix all the cubicles in!! :of
  2. Get out from under the missus' car, Barry!
  3. I've said a couple of times how my collecting has changed, with Traci redundant it should stop altogether really in all honesty!! However, I carry on. A little less often. Basically I collect what I had as a nipper, MIB Britains where I can. Firstly though I like to buy models of machinery I have driven and used. I know we all have our reasons for collecting but on a personal note I do not see the point in loading up the attic, shed, spare room with models or toys for the sake of it. I like to tell a story with each model.... I can remember the toys my Nan bought me, or those my brother bought me over the Christmas' or birthdays. I like to show people a model of the a tractor I drove, even better with an implement to go with it. With the big brands being European based, the implements are hard to come by but there are UK based builders catering for this. I'm not necessarily spending any less but I make sure there is a 'reason' as to why I am buying something. Thirdly, I have all the Norscot Jaguars and up until recently all the Challenger rubber track crawlers . ... now I have two more to get though. Being small in numbers, they are an easy couple of series' to collect and offer some nice modest models for the money too.
  4. I would be more inclined to attend if it was a two day event. A one day event costs a weekend in travelling and lost work time anyway so for the sake of another day it would make it easier to be honest. The thing with the LCN is it is a cub organised event with many people doing their bit throughout the year leading to the culmination in Zwolle in November. We have to remember that the shows in the UK, or at least the majority of them are organised by sometimes one person, maybe two or four. Even the size of the shows here, that is a lot of hard work, research, emailing and mailing, phoning and free time put in to get these shows going. That mustn't be forgotten when comparing to them to other shows. I'm fortunate in being self employed in that I do not need to book holiday - whilst on the flip side I do not get paid on my days off. That said, I work hard and apart from the house and Traci have very few 'wants' and so reward myself by making sure I get to the four shows I do so at the moment - Malvern, Spalding, Toytrac, Zwolle. If another show was planned then it is almost certainly going to clash with some of these as these shows are already planned for less busier times in the farming calender which let's face it, many enthusiasts are involved in. We unfortunately have a physical barrier from Europe in that of the English Channel. While it is easy enough to navigate, it does add a certain amount of extra planning to sort out. It inevitably effects people overseas visiting the show, maybe why we have smaller but more shows? Any show needs to offer a lot. Warm comfortable arena, catering of a good standard (be it traders or a cafe), quality furniture, clean toilets, parking and all this with it's own staff to support the event. On top of this from our point of view it needs to be affordable, centrally located, possible single floor and under one roof? light, level, secure. I think room for 'entertaining' traders needs to be made (Zwolle has a clown/balloon man for the kids), face painting, maybe even one of those character boards you stick your head through for a photo... The longer people stay in the hall, the more they are likely to spend which is what keeps the traders coming and the show going.
  5. Well, it arrived yesterday (HTC Desire in blue) and I spent last night setting it up and playing around with it. Even downloaded my first app, Driver Tacho Guard which I forgot to use today So far so good, quite easy but a few things I wish were different - mainly the menus and the way contacts are stored but I may work out that it can be changed anyway in time.
  6. Some nice buildings on your layout, Martin. I like the little stone building with the red window and door frame. Looks typical of Irish farms and many I have seen in Wales and Cornwall.
  7. Deere-est

    Schuco 2011

    On time, right on cue! :laugh:
  8. Some more nice photos, thanks for posting them up for us that didn't make it. I like that demolition scene.
  9. Oooooh tough one mate, very sorry to hear that. Have a beer for him and remember all those good times, keep the memories alive.
  10. This topic has been moved to Britains Farm Models. [iurl]http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/index.php?topic=34958.0[/iurl]
  11. 'Tut Tut David' I was suitably impressed by the sheer size of the model too and for the price tag too. I won't be adding one I am pretty sure but maybe the 865 may come along to join its four cousins in the rogue part of my collection.
  12. Mark, did we talk about something similar at Toytrac? P.S Mark and Andy. . . . I feel absolutely great, fantastico, pukka, full of life! Pwwwwwft!
  13. I hope it maintains or increases in value. There is a certain amount of novelty associated with owning this kind of release though. You've earned your dosh though and if you wish to spend it in this way, fair play to you. How do you as a buyer and now proud owner regard it's current and future value, be it higher or lower?
  14. Thanks for all the help guys. The Welly idea is correct and looking at the replies the others have been identified too now
  15. I know mate, he's a top bloke though and he supplied the middle quote of three. One was extortionate, the lowest didn't convince us he would do a good job ( the mere mention of having a hose pipe inside the house, above the nicest room of the house didn't erm. .. . wash with us! ) and this chap was really clear with his method and cost. Hopefully this will be the last tradesman job we'll be paying for. At least for a good while yet anyway. :)
  16. Ha! That's great Will your business partner be joining us too then Jon? :) You must see if you can get a copy of Model Farmer magazine if you havn't already. It's an affiliation of Farmtoys Forum created by Andy, the boss, the big cheese. . .. now formally known as Chief Cheddage! Anyway, amazing read from front, through every article, to back. :)
  17. Finally!!! Lime plasterer has been here today and the foundation layer is on the wall!! Back Friday to finish it. A-flipping-men! :laugh:
  18. Hello Thomas, good to start a 'newbie' topic and get yourself known. Look forward to seeing your models and see how you get on with some scratch building. FTF is home to many resources, the biggest being information and know how. I'm sire plenty of people here will help you with what you'd like to do
  19. The other half has gone all weak at the knees now with that... Whereas I cannot wait to see that top transformed into a scaled down working farm :)
  20. Welcome aboard the finest cruise ship that is, FTF. You'll love it here and no doubt fit right in if your earliest memories included toy ahem .. .. .. MODEL tractors!! That's what we tell our other halves now to try and justify why we spend hard earned wonga on and collect what we do :laugh: Have a browse, there is oodles of stuff here to take your fancy. :) Tris.
  21. How very kind of you, Markus. Summed me up pretty well I'd hope to think 2013 sounds like it could be a good year for you
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