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Everything posted by Andy

  1. Guys, sorry for the delay in getting the photos up. I took several "eye level" images to digest the model farm I built at Spalding. Hope you enjoy!
  2. First prize went to the guy opposite the FTF stand, second was a kid with his mum( left a number), and third was another little kid!
  3. Just a quick summary from me. It was another good show, and considering the apparent reduction in people through the door this time, I still managed to chat to several new guys on the forum and hopefully get a few new guys signed up too. Big thanks to my sister of course for doing us cakes again...and if you like she will provide some for toytrac also Many thanks to Graham for providing a fantastic building once again, I think it made the layout the best yet (pictures coming very soon) and as always recieved excellent feedback from all the kids and "some" adults! It was pleasing to hear so many go "Woahhhh" when they saw it! The raffle was popular and prizes have all now been claimed. Thanks to PDC, Jez, Barry, Steve and Dave Purdue for donating models for the layout. Was nice to see the County's working hard combined with the Deeres and a nice unimog sitting in the yard! Thanks to Mark for taking the pictures! I think he just about covered everything! I'm already looking forward to the next show where I hope to have some new FTF models on show, and of course, the layout, cakes and raffle! Ben will have a sandwich board next time to go around the stalls and sell tickets! I will finish by thanking all of you who stopped by and said hello, good to get plenty of feedback and hope it continues next time! Dad and I will be down at toytrac so hope to see more of you there! Many thanks Andy
  4. I think it will be mid £20 bracket. I think this photo was taken some time ago and was told several changes have been made since then, but it seems fairly close to completion to me.
  5. I have recieved an early sample model of the SP sprayer that is due this Winter. Thoughts welcome
  6. I will get the rest of the images online tomorrow but was sorting through them quickly this evening and found this one. It's one of my favourites, so come up with any captions or scenarios for it! I can think of a few! "After getting the MF Activa back to FTF home farm, the guys down at the yard werea little confused by the tilt!"
  7. I should have a mobile internet dongle with me so should be able to upload a few images throughout the day.
  8. I called her last night to remind her but was suprised to hear that she has already got it in hand! Anything rare and unusual I guess wil be what my dad and I, will be after.
  9. Bill, Just recieved notification that the box is incorrect and should read 7550i, as well as the model decal. The issue has been reported with the factory and will be corrected for the next production run.
  10. Interesting indeed, I will send an email off to RC2.
  11. Guys, There will be more images in the upcoming Model Farmer, but here is another predproduction image of the RC JD 7930. It's preproduction only, any feedback will be taken to the Meeting on Friday.
  12. Have a few press images for you
  13. It's popular as it's big, red and called Massey Ferguson. There have been too few MF models in 1/32, finished to this detail, so a welcome addition to many collectors shelves!
  14. Thanks for the images Bill. Was it difficult to redevelop the cab?
  15. I think it would be slightly Nigel There most certainly cannot be many who have maintained the record. I think I have attended each one from the start of the century. For FTF, it will be the third attendance.
  16. FTF will still be there as always, so I hope as many as possible can come and support us. We will be hosting our regular model farm display, and invite any member to bring their models to put on the display Bi-annual raffle where one of Grahams excellent farm buildings is the first prize Free cakes and biscuits, for those who have been before, you know how good they are! It's always a good day and a fantastic show.
  17. The Spalding show in October is usually less busy than the show in April, however I was informed that many stall holders have been turned away again due to it being oversubscribed. So there is sure to be plenty to look at again at least! For anyone down on the Saturday and staying locally, if there is enough interest, I have no problem in prebooking a restaurant / pub for an "FTF" social. There are some great places to eat and drink in the town itself, or similarly, there is a pub right next to the travel lodge. Unfortunately it does not open very late!
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