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Everything posted by Andy

  1. I think it would be slightly Nigel There most certainly cannot be many who have maintained the record. I think I have attended each one from the start of the century. For FTF, it will be the third attendance.
  2. FTF will still be there as always, so I hope as many as possible can come and support us. We will be hosting our regular model farm display, and invite any member to bring their models to put on the display Bi-annual raffle where one of Grahams excellent farm buildings is the first prize Free cakes and biscuits, for those who have been before, you know how good they are! It's always a good day and a fantastic show.
  3. The Spalding show in October is usually less busy than the show in April, however I was informed that many stall holders have been turned away again due to it being oversubscribed. So there is sure to be plenty to look at again at least! For anyone down on the Saturday and staying locally, if there is enough interest, I have no problem in prebooking a restaurant / pub for an "FTF" social. There are some great places to eat and drink in the town itself, or similarly, there is a pub right next to the travel lodge. Unfortunately it does not open very late!
  4. Interesting points there Mike, I guess the plastic is there to save on weight? \
  5. I was told the next run of said models would correct the problem, I will check up on it.
  6. Loughborough must have missed the boat. Was overcast for the majority of yesterday with the sun only breaking through in the evening. It was however extremely muggy, with an infestation of flying ants! This morning it is hazy with more potential for sun!
  7. Guys and Girls, If you want to stay over on the Saturday before the show in October, it is worth considering booking early at the newly opened travel lodge which is literally on the Exhibition centre site. It has a 42 room capacity and is completely brand spanking new! Might be more convenient alternative to the Eye Green location that has been popular in the past. http://www.travelodge.co.uk/search_and_book/hotel_overview.php?hotel_id=370
  8. Andy

    Grow your own...!

    Just an update on my "Grow your own" experiment Have a few images to show too! One of the tomato plants, which Ive forgotten which variety it is, is really going some in terms of pushing a few tomatos out and showing potential for a lot more. My other larger tom plant is developing ok, albeit a little slower than the other one. My cherry tomotoes are also going well with lots of flowers forming now. My Pepper plant is so so, not sure if they grow slower than tomatoes, but I guess the weather hasnt been brilliant to date. Also got to try out super macro mode on the camera which was fun!
  9. I see the fortune was made this evening!
  10. A very unusual model! Never seen one before, if it's genuine, it will make an absolute fortune, especially as we have sold the box alone for £300!
  11. For those of you that attend Spalding, you will know my Dad has a fairly hefty stall with plenty of models, spares, figures etc... Over the coming months, I will be working with him to catalogue the stock into an online shop which will be found at either of the above addresses.
  12. Thanks. Didn't realise there was a DB produced. Did lipkin produce any other 16th models. We have a few smaller scales tractors.
  13. Does anyone know who made this tractor? It's 1/16 scale approx and made from plastic. Ive seen metal variations but never a plastic one. Any help much appreciated
  14. I'm impressed! I have seen a 754 with those arches, I think the only thing would be the skid unit, as the 754 was 5000 based, 944 7000 based....I hope!
  15. I removed yours and Denis's posts Mike. There was nothing particularly bad about them, just a slight OTT for the main board. I know innuendos can be taken in all sorts of ways in todays world.
  16. I doubt I would pay much more than £35 - 40 for it.
  17. Ditto Kev, I'll be camping that weekend with some mates, and doing the show in between!
  18. Andy

    Grow your own...!

    Thanks for your help guys, I will get some pics up this weekend and show you what stage they are at. I bought the tomato and peppers as tiny plants. Another question, can the peppers take as much water as the tomatoes? I wasnt sure if enough or too much water was causing them to wilt slightly?
  19. I have recently gained an interest in garden related activities , and as the old student in me starts to willow away, my fondness of fresh fruit and veg in contrast to DIY ding meals, begins to increase! In particular, I have begun growing my own Tomatoes, garlic and peppers, as well as some herbs. My housemates think I'm a right plonk for taking up our garden with pots and containers, but I'm looking forward to savouring my own DIY veg come harvest time. However, being a complete novice, I don't think things will work as smoothly as anticipated! I may have planted slightly too late for starters, but I expect I may water them to little, or too much, and utilise the sun incorrectly! Either way, do any of you grow your own veg? and if so, what are you top tips for tomato, pepper and garlic growing! Any help is much appreciated! I think the garlic is really struggling by the way!
  20. The recent problem with FTF was down to our "old" service provider updating their software packages and having issues with this operation. The problem was not related to our pending server move. I apologise for this recent problem, something I hope to avoid on the new server! Many thanks Andy
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