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Everything posted by Andy

  1. That's good to hear then Luke, she on the road to recovery now then? Better get that house ***** and span for her!
  2. Never knew you lived in a Mill Jason, I guess theres a big clue in your address though!
  3. Indeed there was, but there has been rumours for many years that a number were released in blue.
  4. Very nice collection in April at Vectis. Included is a number of countys including this one. No inclination from Vectis that its a customisation. I'm not convinced but would be nice if we could get confirmation either way!
  5. Interesting ideas there. I think the 774 would be difficult to do without retooling the bonnet. I think the 754 would be an option though perhaps
  6. It's a nice thought that locked up in several airports around the country are more examples of these tractors! I'll get my bolt cutters!
  7. This was sold at a recent salvage auction, a fairly unusual adaption, airport use maybe? ?4500, bargin or about right?
  8. Theres not much in it, very early morning, you can do Spalding to East midlands (and vice versa) in about 1hr 15mins, but then its the same for stansted. Better roads coming from stansted too.
  9. Sleeting quite substantially now. Come on.....lets have some snow!
  10. Plenty of swirly showers here in the Fens. Still pessimistic over how much snow we will get. The Met office are usually wrong as far as snow in Spalding is concerned! :'(
  11. Interesting you say that Peter, it should be a great book, with over 100 pages, so something extremely substantial! Peter, the principle author I think, is due to visit my Dad's collection and take some pics for inclusion. Regarding the model you mentioned, not one I have heard of. Any idea on the OEM of the tractor?
  12. An experiment I'm doing for my PhD works! It's taken 6 months but my company sponsors are now going to be buying me, many a beer over this!
  13. Thanks for sharing Sean, Dad and I have been after one of those for ages! Only other one I have seen is on Evert's britainstoys.nl website.
  14. http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/index.php?topic=17487.0
  15. Come on then Luke, lets see your new images, since you have fixed the camera.
  16. Nice display you have going Luke. You might want to try and get the images in focus a bit more. Are you using your phone to take them?
  17. If you can get down on the Sat Jez, we can see what we can do.
  18. Many thanks Graham, looks outstanding as always. The building is our first prize in the raffle, yes.
  19. We are in the process of planning the FTF stand for the Spalding show, and as ever, we want to broadcast what Farm Toys Forum is all about, as good a way as possible! As always we will be having a Farm layout display, with Graham very kindly donating us a shed once again (images to come soon!). We also want to provide visitors a chance to see some of your own models on the display, this may include, customisations, or scratch builds you have done. If you are interested in donating one of your models for the day, please email me, or send me a PM. As well as presenting FTF's limited edition models, we will also be showcasing the TTT limited IH models, along with some of FTF's members more fragile custom builds. There will be a powerpoint display, raffle prize draw and plenty of flyers and cards to pick up, and of course, the usual exceptional selection of cakes, kindly provided by my sister We will have a few admin members helping out on the day, but if you fancy pitching yourself, and holding the FTF fort for a period of time on the day, or indeed, plan to come down on saturday, any help is very much appreciated. Again, PM me with your interest. Many thanks and hope to see plenty of you on the day!
  20. FTF is in the usual place. For those who dont know, we have polo shirts, so look out for them Not sure what other details you need, other than whats included on the the first post.
  21. It's suprising how many MB's Siku have done, we have a few, and they always seem to be in demand at toy fairs.
  22. I think they are around 1/35 scale, but could even be 1/32 not too sure.
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