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Everything posted by 844john

  1. Very, very nice Paul, the older gear just has more character I think, but if you have to sit on a tractor for 12 hours a day you can't beat the new ones....or maybe I'm just getting soft!
  2. Thank you Paul, our Sam's obsessed with tractors and farming in general, not sure if thats a good thing or not !
  3. Thanks Mark, I try to look after our gear, these old ones can run a long time but they do need to be maintained. She's just dropped over 9000 hours, we have a case 844 about three years older and she's only just done 1800 hours!
  4. Thank you Martin, no,its not great is it, and it keeps changing by the day!
  5. Mower on, just waiting for the weather to pick up and knock down a bit of second cut !
  6. like that a lot Martin, you have to look twice to see its not the real thing. Not sure about the sticker on the front weight box mind !
  7. That looks much better Mark, just make sure you don't slip her into gear, will make a right mess of your carpet !
  8. Thank you Martin. At the moment it is being built with fully functioning loader and back-actor, but that might all change to a static model depending on how I get on with all the rams !
  9. Scratch-built JCB 3CX extradig, will be based on one near to me that has a home-made headstock on the loader to allow it to swap its 4 in 1 for muck grabs, grain buckets etc.
  10. Looking better already Mark, who's ever seen a clean muck spreader anyway !
  11. Thank you Sean, I really must get around to finishing it, its been sat like that for 4 or 5 years now, Schuco beat me to the finished article!
  12. Thank you very much Paul, will try and get more of it photographed when I get time
  13. Thank you David, the 6710 was the first conversion I attempted about 5 or 6 years ago and was based on a Britains 5000 chassis and the original TW20 bonnet and cab. A local farmer had one from new and I always thought they were a fine looking tractor, that was in the days when a 2wd tractor actually looked good !
  14. I reckon they think we just haven't grown up Martin, mind they might be right, I keep telling her I'll let her know when I'm ready to become an adult ha ha! I made the farm several years ago for our son as part of a bigger farm yard he has, trouble is he's 13 now and thinks he's getting too big for it, I keep reminding him I'm still not too old for it !
  15. Cracking conversions john, so is your collection. Thank you both, that is just the tip of a probably too large iceberg! There's upwards of 500 tractors and implements under our stairs and secreted around the house, plus our little lad will have well over 100, the hardest part is explaining to the better half why we "need" so many tractors! Here's a picture of a model of our farm that I made for our son, again it's not finished !
  16. case 844xl, and a glimpse under the stairs!
  17. case 1455 (started about five years ago!) and John Deere 6150 m
  18. John Deere 6420, 6400 (needs new decals), 5820 2wd, Ford 6710
  19. First up is a few conversions that I have been working on, might eventually get them finished one day! John Deere 5820 with loader
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