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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. Gav836

    Bull Pens

    A mixture of the two Sean, pens, gates etc are off the shelf designs but made to fit whatever size openings and whatever layout the farm having them installed may have
  2. Gav836

    Bull Pens

    I have to say that the only heifer I've ever been frightened of is a limousin as well, the thing is completely bonkers, sent us flying while we were trying to scan and inject them last year, the only other problem one is an Aberdeen Angus, my shin is throbbing at just the thought of her........ Those pens were designed with our safety, and theirs for that matter, in mind, just makes the job easier for all of us
  3. A while ago somewhere on here someone was asking for pictures of bull pens, I can't find the topic now but these are some pictures of our three pens/sheds. The shed part is about 5m x 4m and the pen is of similar size. Sheds have a bull proof drinker on the back wall and a refuge panel for us to get behind in there if we need to next to the gate dividing the shed from the pen. The pen has a feeder in the front corner with a neck crush built into it, this only works on the two smaller stabiliser bulls though, Balmoral the Limousin has a really muscley neck that is bigger than his head so it won't hold him Drinker in shed Shed Neck crush/feeder Pen Two of the three pens/sheds (number three on right edge of picture)
  4. I know its not easy to sleep when you have something like this going on in the family, from personal experience I know its not easy to see a family member suffering in this way either and that the end, as hard as it may sound, comes as a happy release for all involved. All you can do is be there for support when needed, sleep well mate and keep your chin up as Mr Hobbit says
  5. If you loved the Power Command you'll be smitten if you get a go on an Auto Command one, think of a CVX/TVT on steroids ;D
  6. Yeah, have heard of them, they're out on the Cambridgeshire side of Norfolk from memory Have you finished dribbling over it for the day now then Tris ;D
  7. Rubber duck is the name given to wheeled 360 degree diggers
  8. Just been reading the rules, pre-sale listings are allowed as long as the seller can guarantee delivery within 30 days of the auctions end.......
  9. My thoughts exactly, takes the proverbial really
  10. The traders favourite trader is at it again, 424 models listed on ebay and 422 of them are pre-order : : http://toys.shop.ebay.co.uk/Diecast-Vehicles-/222/i.html?_trkparms=65%253A12%257C66%253A4%257C39%253A1%257C72%253A2471&_catref=1&_dmpt=UK_ToysGames_DiecastVehicles_DiecastVehicles_JN&_ipg=200&_ssn=frankmartin1977&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_pgn=1
  11. Well if you come a bit further east from there we always take someone on between late June and October/November
  12. That drive shaft looks expensive..........dread to think of the damage that could do if it does the same trick as some of the 20 series ones
  13. I'm about 6 or 7 miles further round the coast from there, don't tend to go there much anymore
  14. If you travel any further northwards than the model shop at any time this week you're welcome to drop in mate
  15. Very nice work John I've toyed with making myself one of these in the past but never got round to it (like many things ) All of the ones I've used over here have had 3 swinging blades fitted to them, puts less strain on the gearbox then when you hit something while cutting rough ground (be it a dead sheep or a set of cambridge rolls in my mates case )
  16. Its that time of the year again for me, it was 12 years ago today that Dad died, always feel a bit low around this week of the year
  17. You'll be as happy as the proverbial pig if you do Tris Do you know which transmission it has?
  18. I thought you might like it Simon. The carrots belong to Thompsett Burgess
  19. Make me feel old why don't you......cheers buddy ;D ;D
  20. It sounded fantastic as well, like you say not many about, particularly at 14 years old like that one
  21. Some pictures of the carrots we have on our land being sprayed by a contractor with a forward control Mog. We were too busy planting spuds still for me to get up there when they were drilling them unfortunately.
  22. This text which was copied from an ebay listing for the houses of parlament which has since been removed ;D FOR SALE The Palace of Westminster. To include Parliament and House of Lords. 1,100 rooms, 100 staircases and 645 dithering fools. And that big phallic symbol next to it. I just bet the MP's don't see the irony in that do they... Only 900 years old, but sadly of no use to us anymore. A very nice building I'm sure you'd agree, but at the moment full of bickering fools who couldn't organise an Anne Summers party at a lesbian prison officers reunion. I have, to be honest, never really enjoyed it in all the time I have thrown my good hard earned and taxed off the face of the earth money, at the miserable looking place. I mean, you don't have to be ugly to work in the place, but it does help. So is the ability to lie your ass off, miss lead over 56 million people and start wars in country's we have no interest in...Apart from oil...Oh I could go on...I'm afraid the whole thing has got to go because no-one seems to have a bloody clue how to work it properley. Are there no operating instructions for heaven sake? Would make an ideal riverside apartment complex, fill it full of fat cat corporate bankers, fiddlers, cheats, con artists and idiots.........Oh damn it already is.... It would make an ideal cess pit, but I'm afraid it's already half full. Guy Fawkes didn't seem to be such a bad lad after all, did he? Had the right idea. Shame he got caught now. Never could understand why we CELEBRATED him being found out! The way I see it Guy Fawkes is the only person who ever entered the bloody building with honest intentions.....The only way we can really make these politicians work is by NOT electing them!! Why is it that political leaders don't seem to have all the answers until they write their memoirs huh? Right little bright sparks then aren't they.... KIDS: Fairy tales do not begin with the words "Once upon a time" They actually start with the more sinister phrase, "If I'm elected..." Benefits to new owner will include; Examining and challenging the work of the government (shouldn't take too long then) Debating and passing all laws (whether you like then or not) Enabling the government to raise taxes (this is gonna be the real earner) False claim system for just about anything. Free clock Council tax exempt cheap to heat 'cause it's always full of hot air Sleep with your colleagues regularly. (John Major, shame on you. Mrs Bottomley, what did you see in him? Was he really that good in the sack) If it moves, tax it If it keeps moving, regulate it If it stops moving, susidise it I want to see Jose Mourinho in charge. Well look what he did at stamford bridge. Make Prime Minister's question time more entertaining and I'd never switch off another Party Political Broadcast...... The current owner/occupier sold his soul to the devil then asked for a refund..Not in sterling though. He devalued that along time ago. Our Great Mr Brown managed to sell off 60% of the UK's gold reserves (395 tonnes of gold, at an average price of £186 per ounce). Since then gold has risen to over £597 per ounce. Most of which you'll find wrapped around a bin collecting chav lottery winners neck, only not tight enough. But I digress. In real terms the only cost to the population is a petty £4 Billion quid. Or to you and I humble tax payers £100 each. As a Bank of England spokesman stated "There is no better example of Gordon Brown's economic incompetence than this" Labour MP Shahid Malik said that his claim of £66,827, including £2,600 for a home cinema system was "One Million Per Cent within the rules" With maths skills like that, no wonder his expenses are being questioned....
  23. Some of these boys doing the early cuts could be doing so through shear desperation after the prolonged winter if they still have livestock inside. I know a lot of farms were running low on silage and other farm grown feeds a while back so they may not have any choice other than to make a light first cut in order to be able to keep feeding housed livestock
  24. Not unusual at all to work on a Sunday here, we work Sundays when potato planting, harvesting, potato harvesting, baling, as long as the weather stays on our side we keep going. I can remember when I worked for the silage contractor doing 5-6 weeks on maize without a day off, 6am till anything up till 9pm 6 days a week and 7am till 7pm on a Sunday, was even worse when I worked on the 3600acre farm, 90-100 hour weeks were the norm from mid July onwards, just a big push to get on with it 7am till up to 1am the next morning 7 days a week
  25. My mate on the destoner at work this afternoon......just turned into a new bed, started to go into it when the cross conveyor at the back wouldn't start so I wander across to assist with diagnosis, after 10 minutes of checking fuses and hydraulics with no joy I phone the dealer......while on the phone to the service manager I wander round to the front of the machine and notice the power lead has pulled out of the front of the machine......my mate won't live this one down for a while both on the farm and at the dealers ;D ;D
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