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Everything posted by AndyB

  1. I do. I took a few this harvest of a couple of the FMC's they are 'at work' pictures. If i am able and if you would like i could get some close up's of either the FMC 979 AT's and/or the PMC 979 AC's. The pic's i have are burnt onto a cd at the mo which is currently 'tidied' away somewhere. That somewhere is unknown to me! I will get back to you when i have located it!
  2. Sorry to be a bore but the haulm behind our viners (6 x FMC/PMC + 1 x Ploeger) is generally allowed to die off and can then be ploughed straight under. Peas are harvested at an immature stage so although the haulm looks bulky it does dry off to very little trash. There is an exception to the rule when you get a very vigorous toppy variety which may need discing up but this in my experience is a rarity. Andy
  3. How do again, Yes the Road Series was inthe Golden type box with the workman and the Autoway were in a yellow hatched box. As for the 'number plates' Looking at the Landrovers alone the series 3's had BTN 76 on them. This could reflect the year they were introduced being as the '90' type were probably introduced at or around 1990. Another theory could be the wheel base of the landrover itself though that wouldn't explain the plate being on other items. Andy
  4. Can't shed any light on the modern numbers - the 4****. However the old system is roughly as below: Home Farm 100F 1948 - 1961 Tractors and implements 90**- 1962 to 1997 Power Farm 93**- 1987 to 1991 Farm Models 94**/95**- 1962 to 1997 Sets 96**- 1964 to 1997 Autoway 98**- 1984 to 1986 Road Series 99**- 1987 to 1991 Special Issues 50** After 1997 all codes were prefixed with a '0' Maybe this coincided with the Ertl take over??? Making them a five digit code in line with their other products??? Hope this helps and that my memory serves!!
  5. To Quote Dave Pullen:- Metal Links with pickup Usual MF 595 steering etc. Driver in Coat and Boots Front Wheels MF 595 Rear Wheels MF 595 - solid plastic dish (the slotted type were only introduced on the 595 in about 1980) Jewel headlights etc. Paper decals Ultimaetly it is identical to the early 595's appart from the decals. Hope this helps.
  6. Found one on a shop shelf the other day and duly purchased it. When I got it home to inspect, I found that there were no 'mud guards' moulded into the 'chassis'. It is not broken and there cant have been anything done to it from factory to shop, (i dont think). Is this common? It is in an Authentic box so I would imagine it is towards the end of production? circa 1995.
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