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Dusty Dan

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Everything posted by Dusty Dan

  1. I am very sorry for you both as a pet is truly a part of the family. I will be faced with that sooner than I want to be. My beloved chihuahua is 12 1/2 years old. My Jack Russell Terrier was 12 when we lost him to liver cancer in 2010. He was my best friend.
  2. John Deere 1/32, the thin metal tie rod had snapped in half on this 8400, some how, so I glued it together with super glue, unfortunately, now the wheels are stationary. But rather this than one going one way and one the other way. And the outside mirrors have been missing since we moved in 2012, so the other day I found this one in some scrap parts and glued it into the original hole in the roof. Not very accurate, but something to put there in the form of a mirror anyway, as the side facing the rear has an artificial glass-like panel in it.
  3. Congratulations on all. You did a wonderful job!
  4. Nice collection, I especially like the tractor trailer.
  5. Don’t know about GPS systems, but here they are stealing gas by drilling holes through gas tanks on vehicles.
  6. Terrific work! Congratulations!
  7. Happy New Year and I hope a healthy one for all, from Chambersburg, Pennsylvania 🎉
  8. So, here we are a year later, and we still have this darn Covid19 to deal with. Well, maybe not much longer. So, hope for a better year for all of us in that respect. Merry Christmas to everyone on this forum from Franklin County, Pennsylvania. Yeah, I like my trains too…………and bless you all,
  9. Took a ride this cold and rather cloudy Monday afternoon with my chihuahua. November 29, 2021. I tried to get a few different photos but the only problem is that there is no place to pull over and there always seemed to be a car or truck behind me. Thus, the photos are taken from inside my Toyota RAV4:
  10. Just some of the same with the tin container added,
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