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Everything posted by SPN

  1. Bought the mag this afternoon, but have only had a chance to scan it so far. DB1412s with Perkins 6.354 and 6.372 engines I've seen 1412s calve their back ends with the standard Meltham engine! The thoughts of putting 140 ponies through that transaxle is just scary! (but I haven't read the article yet).
  2. It's a Basildon thing! Get used to it
  3. That isn't modelled on the farm out near the 60k limit as you go north on the N9 is it? That's a serious operation!
  4. No WAAAY are they worth ?40. Not even worth $40!
  5. Have you seen the price of wheat lately? (and I'd go for a 60 series over a 70 series any day - Basildon built is better built! )
  6. Depends on the work you want doing. 7600 vs 7400 7610 vs 7810 7710 vs 7910 7740 vs 7840 TS110 vs TS115 The 4cyl turbo is tidier around the farmyard - great as a loader tractor The 6cyl is better on a plough (balance), or on a forage harvester (lugging power). On fuel it shouldn't make much difference - there is 10kW in any litre of diesel. Plus, the new NH tractors are streets ahead of anything else on fuel consumption, and they will run on locally grown biodiesel Please don't change Bob. You are one of us. You don't want to go to the Dark Side, do you?
  7. Jeebus! I know the Dollar is going down the tubes, but $13K for a replacement engine is a bit steep. Only one TD95D round these parts - upgrade from a 6600Q. Here's a pic I took one day when it arrived alongside the Jag I was passenger on.
  8. I reckon he's trying to take credit for Mrs P's work - as usual! But seriously - great to see the project finally under way Jason. I know how frustrated you've been with the delays over the years. Isn't it amazing how quickly things can happen when you find a bureaucrat who actually knows what they are supposed to be doing, instead of one who just wants to cover their backside. Hope to see it in the flesh someday soon!
  9. BOB! Even talking to the MF dealer is enough to send you to Hell! :'( :'( :'( How you can even think of going backwards from the 7710 is beyond me. Downgrading from one of the best tractors ever made - how could you? Worst case scenario - if she goes porous - upgrade to a TS110 engine. You'll never look back (or be ashamed to be seen in public, like you would if you had a *cough* Massey!)
  10. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! :) * Just being able to sit down and relax. These three day and four day weeks have completely knackered me because I still have the same amount to do - but less time to do it. I am soooooooooo going to enjoy the four cans of Grolsch I picked up on my way home, and some loud geeee-tar music on the stereo. Bring it ON! 8) 8) 8)
  11. See last months Classic Tractor!
  12. What's the digger Mark? Spent a lot of time on a 50 manual once upon a time (til I was upgraded to a 50B torque). Cracking machine!
  13. Between the spades and the spanners are what appear to be two spray guns. Tris has painted them both. I think this is what is being referred to.
  14. ..... and before that, Ford used to market two Claas models in blue colours.
  15. Friends of mine (actually, their father ) had an MF25, back in the early 70s (and a Lambourn cabbed DB990). They got serious stick at school (the school JamesF and Nashmach went to) over the MF25 - nobody believed there was such a thing, they were that rare in this part of the world. People travelled from miles around to see it The 25 got replaced with a DB780, the DB990 with a DB996, the DB780 with a DB1210, and the DB996 with a Massey 390. What goes around comes around! (The closest they ever got to a blue was a Muir-Hill 121 - and I have a vague recollection of a borrowed 6X 5000 buckraking silage once upon a time)
  16. Looks well. Any close up pics of the trailed Claas Jaguar?
  17. I'm sure FNHIR will correct me if I'm wrong, but my recollection is that the (non-turbo) 6610 got a power tweak too far and the engine started giving trouble. The solution they arrived at was to detune the (turbo) 7610 to that power output, and detune the 6610 back to its previous hp. The detuned turbo was known as either a 6810 or a 7410, and the detuned non-turbo was known as the 6410.
  18. At the very top of the stairs in The Bookcentre in Broadstreet. Let me know if you have difficulty finding it.
  19. Check out [url= video. About 45 seconds in it cuts to a Highland Bear (764?) loading a trailer. I could listen to that engine singing all day - although I prefer 2100rpm to tickover * :
  20. It'll be a 754. If they badge it as a 6 cylinder model I won't be responsible for my actions!
  21. there's a thread around here somewhere with the link to eBay thats Traci's next birthday present sorted
  22. ........ and he still doesn't understand what the "blonde" references are all about! :D
  23. Pic 1: Back end of 818 and 415. Pic 2: Back end of 515 Pic 3: I think my 2008 silage team might be the right shade of Green
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