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Everything posted by SPN

  1. What are you on about you 'orrible little yellowbelly strawberry picker? By the way, where's the pic of the three six out to the last pulling that load of bales? (I can just imagine how she sounded - used to draw silage with a Fritzmeier 3600 many moons ago). Imagine challenging Marky to do that with his similarly sized Massey - even with a three gear handicap. Guaranteed to bring him back from the darkside Meanwhile, here's the main event!
  2. I'm not sure if I'm going to make it this year. Leo and Michael definitely won't be able to make it either. If anyone wants to take over the reins I can give them Peter's phone number. Garret came up with a great idea with the upturned spud boxes last year, so setting it up won't take too much effort. Who is interested in displaying?
  3. She's rated at 160, but there's a little button (Sigma Power) you can press to take her up close to 200hp (180hp at the pto).
  4. have you ever slipped on the top link as you climbed in from the back a little to quickly? Ouch! :'( :'( :'(
  5. Right, first off, when you get it, go to page 64. I thought the Leyland 285 had silver wheels! Pages 108, 109 and 110 have a feature on FTF members Paul and Brian Moynan. Then back to the beginning - page 7 : The Ellin family tractor fleet - excellent taste. Page 23 : New owner for Roadless. Page 26, 27, 28, 29 : David Brown 1412 - excellent article! Page 32 : Letters page - the reason I love CT. We find out the real story behind the blue Sekura Explorer cabbed Leylands. Page 43 - 48 : Superb article about the early development work for the Cat Challenger. The cover price is worth it for this article alone. Marky and Ben should avoid pages 50 and 51. They will enjoy pages 60 and 62 though! (and I've already mentioned page 64 ) I enjoyed 72, 75 and 76. Smish and Sparrowlegs will enjoy page 77. Then it's back to 108 for a second read through the Paul and Brian article. Can't wait to see how Rory improves on this edition!
  6. No bother! Although those trailed Claas mowers are notoriously bad. The only contractor around here with one also has a Jag 8550 to pick up the slack!
  7. Nice one FNHIR! Absolutely cracking outfit! BGU does come a close second though (well nobody said the competition was restricted to 1:32) Vote FNHIR!
  8. Logging on to eBay to find that I'd missed this little beauty by 5 minutes! > :'( :'( :'( Bobtailed Disco, Custom Transit Van, and trailer.
  9. Forgive me for falling off my chair laughing at the thought of a 1962 County being called in to rescue the modern tackle. Foremost in 4 wheel drive - as they used to say!
  10. <colour wars> I think this picture tells you all you need to know about Massey Ferguson </colour wars>
  11. Bob White is a legend 'round these parts - and this tractor is part of it. I really must get a video clip of it in action.
  12. SPN

    County 1164 VTOL

    This picture was taken at the County Day in Norn Iron a few years ago. The driver was able to winch the mini digger out of the hole. Then he winched a much larger Case digger out of the hole. I've seen lots of pics of this demonstration, but [url=http://www.farmphoto.com/fpv2/message.aspx?mid=437193]this pic captures the drama much better than any I've seen.
  13. I take it that this 4020 won't be scrapped for its front axle like most of its brothers ;D :D To do the pictures, upload them to a Photobucket account. It will automatically sort the resizing and give you the [ img ] html code to insert into a post on FTF which will allow it to be displayed. Looking forward to seeing the article on Paul & Brian. I've been to their workshop and their stuff is amazing.
  14. Britains always wondered why the 4020 was such a runaway success. They never realised that most of them were bought to be scrapped for the front wheels.
  15. I will happily take any of the surplus rear wheels off your hands. I have some 9527s which they will suit perfectly.
  16. when you put Britains tractors beside UH or Scaledown tractors they appear to be much bigger than 1:32 The best example is to put a McCormick ZTX beside a Case MX. The Case is waaaay oversized.
  17. Wait for the TM-A (or T7000 as girls call it). Much nicer colour.
  18. The old 6600 wheels were awful. I've been waiting years for someone to do 14x34s on Sankey rims.
  19. The Dogs! It looks perfectly proportional to me with those wheels, but in real life the 5/7000 only went to 14x34s. Those rears are close to 15x38. Have you a pic with the original rears and JQ fronts? How bad does it look?
  20. Is it a different model to the PZ Haybob, or just a different name for the same machine?
  21. Where did you get the 970? Never seen one of those in Ireland.
  22. SPN

    Ford 7600

    Yeah! Lets have a County 7600-Four instead!
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